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时间:2015-07-01 16:30来源:朗阁小编作者:don


  GMAT作文分,对于参加完GMAT作文考试,以及准备参加GMAT作文考试的考生来说,可谓是让我欢喜让我忧的角色。GMAT作文分的高低,取决于 很多因素。根据内因决定外因的哲学道理,GMAT作文分的主要决定因素,还是考生自己。如何能够大幅度提升自己的GMAT作文分?GMAT作文满分真的那 么难吗?GMAT作文满分离我们有多远?下面新东方网GMAT频道就将为考生们做详细解答。

  面对一个话题,我们无法写出连贯的文字,无法流畅的口语表达,都是因为我们没有写作素材以及说话的素材,什么是素材?就是“内容”。当我们写作的时 候,从四、六级写作,到考研写作,到托福、雅思写作,再到GRE、GMAT写作,面对一个题目,我们写不好的根本原因是因为我们脑中积累的漂亮的英文论证 素材以及论据素材太少了,以至于我们根本没有可以向外输出的东西。今天给大家补充关于托福、GRE以及GMAT写作涉及的重要话题---学习类话题的素 材:终身学习的概念和重要性。

  Lifelong learning is the concept that "It's never too soon or too late for learning", a philosophy that has taken root in a whole host of different organisations. Lifelong learning is attitudinal; that one can and should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviours. Lifelong learning throws the axiom "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" out the door. Lifelong learning sees citizens provided with learning opportunities at all ages and in numerous contexts: at work, at home and through leisure activities, not just through formal channels such as school and higher education. Lifelong education is a form of pedagogy often accomplished through distance learning or e-learning, continuing education, homeschooling or correspondence courses. It also includes postgraduate programmes for those who want to improve their qualifications, bring their skills up to date or retrain for a new line of work. Internal corporate training has similar goals, with the concept of lifelong learning used by organisations to promote a more dynamic employee base, better able to react in an agile manner to a rapidly changing climate. In later life, especially in retirement, continued learning takes diverse forms, crossing traditional academic bounds and including recreational activities.

  GMAT作文分,被考生们魂牵梦绕,谁让GMAT作文分是决定考生未来命运的法杖呢?既然GMAT作文分如此重要,考生应重视。GMAT作文分提升 的 有效前提,就是面对话题,先理清叙述思路。思路理清了,表达顺畅了,GMAT作文分自然会得到提升,GMAT满分也就离你不远了。 后,新东方网 GMAT频道预祝大家在GMAT考试中取得好成绩!



