gre填空题看起来很容易做,但是实际上并没有那么容易,因为gre填空考察的范围很广,要求大家要有逻辑能力以及分析思路的能力,关于gre填空题,南京朗阁小编下面为大家分享一下gre填空教程,下面有实例解析,希望对大家的gre填空考试有所帮助。 下面就是南京朗阁小编为准备gre填空考试的的同学分享的关于GRE填空教程思路解析第二部分,下面的gre填空题实例解析,供大家参考学习。 1. Although the minuet appeared simple, its ______ steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully ______ in public. (A) progressive.. revealed (B) intricate.. executed (C) rudimentary.. allowed (D) minute.. discussed (E) entertaining.. stylized 解析:虽然看起来很简单,但是后面就应该说小步舞曲(minuet)不简单,这样才可以和need to be carefully studied, 因此选择B选项。 注意execute这里面是熟词僻义,表示to do or perform,展示表演的意思。D选项中的minute表示的不是分钟,它当形容词有两个意思一个意思表示的是微笑的(very small or of small importance),另一个意思表示的是详细的意思( very complete and precise), 同义词是circumstantial。 E选项中的entertain考试也考察熟词僻义,表示招待(to show hospitality to ) 的意思。同事entertain还经常跟divert和amuse一起考六选二。 答案: B 2. The results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were ______ not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the ______ methodology into question. (A) provocative.. prevailing (B) predictable.. contemporary (C) inconclusive.. traditional (D) intriguing.. projected (E) specious.. original 解析:后面的not only 和but also中有递进关系,在not only部分体现出这些结果挑战了旧有的假说,因此个空格应该填入一个词体现出的是她具有挑战性。所以个空格有可以挑战别人意思的词,就只用provocative(provoke - to cause to become angry, violent, etc. )。 prevailing这个单词表示的是普遍的、流行的,与old形成递进关系,过去的他挑战,现在普遍的他也挑战。很多人容易错选D选项,觉得这样的结果很有趣,这个词在语意上不能体现出challenge和call sth. into question这样的强烈,所以A好。 我们来学习一个短语叫做call something into question,表示对....产生怀疑(to doubt something or make others doubt something)。 3. Despite the ______ of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize "pop culture" as a key for ______ the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society. (A) antipathy.. entangling (B) discernment.. evaluating (C) pedantry.. reinstating (D) skepticism.. deciphering (E) enthusiasm.. symbolizing 解析:尽管同行如何,很多学者开始将流行文化看作是一种关键的东西。因此前面的同行应该觉得不应该emphasize pop culture,有这个意思的词,只有D选项,同时deciphering(这里表示 to interpret the meaning of ,理解或解读阐释的意思)这个词跟后面的意思加搭配,我们用流行文化去理解当代社会的谜题、希望和恐惧。 注意entangle表示使复杂,使纠缠不清(to make complicated)。 学习一个句型吧,a key for(to) doing sth./ sth. 做....的关键。例句:The key to success is preparation. 答案:D 4. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as ______, even as a sign of madness. (A) adventurous (B) frivolous (C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational 解析:要对madness进行程度上的减轻,那么疯了的前面是什么呢,应该是不理性,所以选择E选项。 注意willful这是一个面熟生词,表示的是任性固执的意思。与之相似的词汇还有unruly, obstreperous, refractory, wayward, disobedient等. 答案: E 5. Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a ______ of the arts, because many young artists received her patronage. (A) connoisseur (B) critic (C) friend (D) scourge (E) judge 解析: 注意因果关系,后面说因为很多年轻艺术家都收到过他的patroage(资助),因此她是一个资助艺术事业的人,有这个意思的词只有C选项friend(这里考查friend的意思为a person who helps or supports someone or something) connoisseur表示的是行家,很多人有容易错选,注意A选项和后面并不构成因果关系。 scourge表示的是引起麻烦的人(someone or something that causes a great amount of trouble or suffering) 记住一个短语吧:receive one’s patronage 接受......的资助 答案: C 6. Because outlaws were denied ______ under medieval law, anyone could raise a hand against them with legal _____. (A) propriety.. authority (B) protection.. impunity (C) collusion.. consent (D) rights.. collaboration (E) provisions.. validity 解析: outlaw 表示逃犯(A person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive) 因为逃犯是被否认了什么,所以任何人都可以raise a hand against (to hit or threaten; to hit somebody这个短语表示对 …..不利,或就是打击的意思)。这道题目只能用代入检验意思发现B选项 合适。因为他们不受法律护,所以谁都可以打他们而不会触犯法律。with impunity这个短语表示的免于受惩罚的意思。 两个重要的短语, with impunity(免于受罚)和raise a hand against sb. (对某人不理,威胁某人 答案: B 7. Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that country’s ______. (A) boldness (B) influence (C) responsibility (D) moderation (E) vulnerability 解析: 这道题目,同学们很容易带着假设去做题,因此容易错选B和C。核武器的成功发展是否能让一个国家提升影响力或者提升国家的责任感我们是不知道的,我们只知道句子中给了提示,没让一个国家提升安全性,那就让国家其实变的不安全了呗,所以选择E选项。 注意moderation这个词,表示谦和、不极端,英文解释为the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions。这个单词来自于调节moderate,注意这个词也可以表示形容词谦和的,适度的。moderate、temper和modulate 这三个词常考六选二。 答案: E (责任编辑:admin) |