1. She's in the dark abouthow this machine works. 她根本不知道该怎么操作这个机器。 2. He is a stranger toour language. 他完全不懂我们的语言。 3. It is all Greekto me. 我对此一窍不通。 4. When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。 5. The ideas she espoused were incomprehensibleto me. 她信奉的这些观念对于我来说都很难理解。 6. That computer nerd is a total social misfit. 那个只会玩电脑的呆子对人情世故一窍不通。 7. For all my advice she was never the wiser. 虽然我全力指点,她还是一窍不通。 8. Mathematics is a closed bookto me, I'll never understand it. 我对数学一窍不通,从来都搞不懂。 9. Golf is one of his blind spotsand he's proud of it. 他对高尔夫球一窍不通,但对此他还感到挺自豪的。
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