1, I have faith in you. (have faith in 为词组) 2, I'm sure we will win. 3, I anticipate your success. 4, It's all plain sailing. 5, I'm very optimistic about our chances of success. 6, Your works is bound to be successful. (be bound to 一定会) 7, I'm quite sure we will win. 8, I have every confidence in my success. 9, I'm an optimist. 10, I can do it blindfolded. 11, I have every confidence in his promotion. 12, I'm full of optimism for the future. 13, I hold an optimistic view of events. 14, There is no doubt we will win. 15, There is nothing to worry about. 16, Everything will be fine. 17, Everything will come up roses. 18, You are bound to win. 19, I'm happy with everything. (责任编辑:admin) |