南京朗阁讲师教您说口语 在对外贸易中,按时装运进出口货物,及时将货物从厂方运至目的地,对完成进出口交易、满足市场需要、减少货物积压和提高商品的竞争能力,都起着积极重要的作用。 特别是对某些鲜活商品或季节性商品的运输,要抢时间、争速度,及时完成运输任务,以免造成经济上的损失和信誉上的不良影响。如果装卸不及时,运输拖延,到货慢,就会影响商品的销路,甚至失去市场。 交货是指卖方按照同买方约定的时间、地点和运输方式将合同规定的货物交付给买方或其代理人。装运一般是指将货物装上运输工具,它与交货是两个不同的概念。但是,在国际商务中,由于采用F.O.B、 C.F.R 和 C.I.F 三种价格术语,卖方只要根据合同的有关规定将货物装上船,取得提单,就算交货。提单签发日期亦即为交货日。因此,装运一词常被用来代替交货的概念。 这种凭单交货被称为象征性交货。(实际交货是指货物运抵目的地,因而,装运时间与交货时间是并不一致的。)凭单交货时,装运期和交货期是一致的。在买卖合同中,合理地规定装运期(交货期)是很重要的。装运期(交货期)可分为三种:定期装运、近期装运和不定期装运。 Basic Expressions 1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery? 通常你方需要多长时间交货? 2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months after re ceipt of the covering L/C. 一般说来,我们在收到有关的信用证后三个月内可交货。 3. Could you possibly advance shipment further more? 你方能不能再提前一点交货? 4. I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C. 我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上装运。 5. Shipment should be made before October,otherwise we are not able to catch the season. 十月底前必须交货,否则就赶不上季节了。 6. The earliest shipment we can make is early March. 三月初是我们能够做到的 早交货日期。 7. I’m sorry,we can’t advance the time of shipment. 很抱歉,我们不能提前交货。 8. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment. 我方迫切需要这次订货,故请贵方加快装运。 9. We are confident of being able to ship the goods to you by the end of next month. 我们相信能在下月底前将货物装运给你们。 10. The goods ordered are all in stock and we assure you that the first steamer will make the shipment available in November. 贵公司订购的货物我方均有现货,可证在十一月份将货物装上第 一条便船。 11. Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th. 请货物由十月十五日左右启航的“和平轮”装运。 12. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us. 十月中旬交货太晚了。 13. We’ll try our best to advance shipment to September. 我们会尽 大努力将交货期提前到九月。 14. When is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods? 你们 早什么时候可以装运? 15. I wonder whether you can make shipment in September. 我想知道你们能否在九月份装运。 16. How long will the delivery take from here to Canada by sea freight? 从这里到加拿大海运需多长时间? 17. I don’t think I can promise you any January shipments. 我不能证一月份发货。 18. Please be informed that the shipment of the cargo (your purchase order No. 123) was sent yesterday, airway bill No.123. 特此通知这批货物(你方订单号码是No.123)昨天已装运,航 空货物的取号码是No.123。 19. In case you do not receive the goods on or before December 12, please let us know. 万一你方没有在12月12日或之前收到货物,请告知我方。 20. We will do all we can to fill your order so that the goods will be shipped before October 15. 我方将尽全力履行此订单,将于10月15日前安排这些货物装船。 (责任编辑:admin) |