1.能告诉我复活节的起源吗? Could you please tell me the origin of Easter Day? Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection (rising from the dead) of Jesus Christ, Son of God. There are actually three other days celebrated in preparation for Easter as well: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem to celebrate a Jewish holiday called Passover. The people laid down palm leaves from palm trees to welcome him. Maundy Thursday honors the Last Supper, or the meal that Jesus had with his disciples after he learned he was going to die. Good Friday honors the day he was crucified and died on the cross. Finally, Easter Sunday celebrates the day he rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven. 复活节哦,其实是一个基督节日来着,主要呢是用来庆祝耶稣的复活。耶稣你们知道吧?他可是上帝的儿子呢,跟我们古代的天子似的。Alison说节日定在过了春分月圆后的个星期日。在复活节前夕呢,还有棕榈主日、濯足节、耶稣受难日这三个节日。嘿嘿,你们不知道吧?虎虎也很迷茫呢?然后美女外教就告诉偶,棕榈主日是庆祝耶稣两千多年前骑着毛驴进入耶路撒冷庆祝逾越节的盛况。在那天啊,人们坐在棕榈叶上欢迎耶稣的到来。他们貌似很崇拜他呢,跟我们这年代的追星一样一样的。濯足节是庆祝 后的晚餐,这天耶稣在知道自己将要死的时候,和徒弟们吃 后一顿晚餐。这耶稣是不是很神哪!耶稣受难日是指耶稣被钉死在十字架上的那天。好惨!! 后,复活节是用来庆祝耶稣复活的。 2.复活节的意义是什么呢? What's the meaning of Easter Day? When Jesus rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven, it was proof that he was divine – that he was indeed the Son of God. It was proof that all of his words were the Word of God, including his claim that the only way to God was through him. So for Christians, Easter is a celebration of Christ’s divinity and an affirmation of their faith. It celebrates the miracle of his resurrection and the prophecies of the Old Testament, which foretold the coming of a messiah. 那么复活节存在的意思是啥么呢?虎虎就好奇了,于是怀着一颗热乎乎的求知心请教外教了,他说当耶稣成功复活,到达天堂时,就证明了他是神圣的,他是天之子,他的话代表神灵的话,包括他说的能接触上帝的唯一方式便是通过他。所以,对基督徒来说,庆祝复活节也就是表达他们虔诚的信仰。它用以庆祝耶稣复活的奇迹以及《旧约》的预言,即弥赛亚(犹太人所期待的救世主)的到来。啊,原来如此哈! 3. 为什么人们选择用彩蛋和兔子来庆祝这个节日呢? Why do people choose eggs and rabbits to celebrate that festival? It’s funny – the traditions of rabbits and eggs actually started before Christians began celebrating Easter. Pagans (nature worshippers) once celebrated the coming of spring by worshipping the goddess of spring, Eastre, who was represented by a rabbit. Eggs, throughout history, have been a symbol of new life. People gave each other eggs wrapped in foil or painted in bright colors to celebrate the rebirth of the earth. 兔子和彩蛋的传统其实在复活节出现以前就有了,有位女神叫做Eastre,异教徒们在庆祝春天到来时,就去拜这个女神,而这个女神的代表物就是兔子。说到这里,我咋想到了嫦娥捏?至于彩蛋,她说,十二世纪时,人们在复活节节庆中加入鸡蛋,此蛋多涂以红色,也有绘成彩色。故一般称之为“复活节彩蛋”。蛋的原始象征意义是为“春天—新生命的开始”。基督徒则用来象征“耶稣复活,走出石墓”。复活节彩蛋是复活节里 重要的食物象征,意味着生命的开始与延续。说到这,虎虎可算长见识嘞。 4.人们在复活节都做些啥么,吃些啥么呀? What do people do and eat on that day? Every family does Easter a little differently, so I’ll tell you about my family. We always get up at the crack of dawn on Easter morning for the Sunrise Service at our church. The Sunrise Service is only about an hour long, and includes the message of the gospel (the story of Jesus’s life) and lots of songs celebrating his resurrection. Then the entire church eats a big breakfast together, with eggs, sausage, doughnuts, pastries and coffee. In my church, the youth always planned the service and served the breakfast. Then we head home to find our Easter baskets, which are filled with all kinds of Easter candy. Soon after we get home, all of the family starts to arrive – my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Then we all sit down to a big meal together, which usually includes a smoked ham and cheesecake for dessert. After lunch, all of the parents run outside to hide around 100 Easter eggs in the yard. And when they finish hiding the eggs, all of the kids dash outside to find as many eggs as they can because each egg has either money or candy inside. We usually have a very light dinner on Easter Sunday…everyone is too full from all of the candy and cheesecake. 每个家庭庆祝复活节的方式都有点不同,然后虎虎就笑眯眯地问了她家的庆祝方式,她说那天,她家的所有人会在破晓时分就起床,赶到教堂去做一个小时左右的宗教仪式,主要唱些赞美诗和一些庆祝耶稣复活的歌曲。然后,家人坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的早餐,有鸡蛋、香肠、甜甜圈面包、咖啡等。美食撒······ 偶又开始胡思乱想了,好吧,咱继续,她说年轻人一般会自己计划着怎么庆祝,并且自己做早餐。通常情况下,孩子们是 先从教堂回到家里的,他们会找一些复活节篮子,因为里面有复活节糖果。然后,家庭成员也一一回到家里。大家坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的午餐,食物通常是一个熏火腿还有起士蛋糕这个甜点。嗯嗯,烟熏火腿也是虎虎的 爱。在午饭过后呢,父母们跑到屋外把100个左右的复活节彩蛋藏在院子里,然后所有孩子都从屋子里冲出来尽可能地寻找这些彩蛋。蛋里面要么有钱要么有糖果。虎虎也想去找,偶一定能找N多,哈哈!至于复活节的晚餐,她们家一般吃的很简单,因为每个人的肚子里都已经塞满了糖果和起士蛋糕啦,嘿嘿! (责任编辑:admin) |