绊人犯规 tripping
Tripping results in a 10-yard penalty against the offending team. 铲球犯规 foul sliding/slide tackle 包括tackle from behind(背后铲球)、late tackle(铲球过迟,球已离开对方脚下)
Afoul sliding tackle may also constitute misconduct, resulting in either yellow card (caution) or a red card (send off). 假摔 diving/simulation 一个球员为了令对方球员得到黄牌、红牌或为了博取任意球和点球而假装受伤倒地,此动作近似跳水,故英文称为diving.
As much as it may be unappealing to many, diving is just apart of the game of soccer. 拖延比赛 delay of game
Delay of game is an action in a sports game in which a player or team deliberately stalls the game, usually with the intention of using the delay to its advantage. 严重犯规 serious foul play
A player is sent off and shown the red card if he is guilty of serious foul play. 故意犯规 intentional foul
The player committed an intentional foul. 越位 offside 当球员所在的位置比“球和站在 后第二位的对方球员靠近对方底线”,就属于越位。
The goal was called offside by the referee. 打人犯规 striking
The player was once sent off because of striking. 手球犯规 handball; hands; handling 球员踢球时用肘以上肩以下的部位触球就是手球犯规。
Penalty kick for hands.
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