习语: a man/woman of means 讲解:means 除了有“方法,手段”的意思之外,还有“财富,自立,收入”的意思。所以,a man/woman of means在口语中表示“富人”, a man/woman of means则表示“经济困难的人”。 支持范例:Only a man of means could afford such a big house. 只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第。 She wished to exhibit Jessica, who was gaining in maturity and beauty, and whom she hoped to marry to a man of means. 她想借此机会炫耀一下已经出落得美丽多姿的女儿杰西卡,她希望杰西卡能嫁一个富人。 He was a man of small means.
他是一个收入微薄的人。 A : He was once a poor man but now he is a man of means . 他曾经很穷现在发达了。 B : How did he make a fortune ? 他怎么发财的? A : He didn't make any effort . His aunt died and left him a fortune . 他没怎么努力,他姑姑死了,各塔留下了一大笔财产。 词海拾贝: make a fortune:发财 You' ll make a fortune out of it.
想发财的人,决不会退居穷乡僻壤。 我们必须勤劳致富。 leave sb a fortune:留给某人遗产 And you know there is generally an uncle or a grandfather to leave a fortune to the second son.
你知道,叔叔伯伯或爷爷往往会给第二个孩子留下一笔财产。 这些故事是她编出来的。至于她对你说有一位姑母留给她一笔财产,那是无稽之谈,因为她根本就没有姑母。
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