习语: after one's own heart 讲解: 该习语的意思是:合某人心愿。此语出自《圣经·旧约》中的《撒母耳记》上卷第十三章的第十四节。撒母耳 Samuel 任以色列术师 Judge 时,奉耶和华之命,顺从民意,立扫罗 Saul 为王,建立了以色列王国。可是扫罗的所作所为不蒙耶和华的喜悦,其便让撒母耳再立新王即后来的大卫 David. 之前撒母耳对扫罗说:“现在你的王位必不长久,耶和华已经寻着一个合他心意的人 a man after his heart.”此语就是由此而来,至今语义不变。 支持范例: It was a job after his own heart. 这是一件他称心如意的工作。 He's a man after your own heart. 他是个很合你心意人。 With his love for the great outdoors he is a man after my own heart. 由于他爱好大自然,他跟我正是志同道合了。 He likes good wine too he's obviously a man after my own heart. 他也喜欢好酒--真是与我臭味相投了。 She was engaged to a man after her own heart. 她按照自己的理想同一个人订了婚。 Thanks for agreeing with me about the class party; you are a girl after my own heart. 感谢您对班级舞会的想法与我一致,您是位令人愉悦的女孩。 He loves her very much. She is a girl after his own heart. 他非常爱她,她正是他中意的姑娘。 迷你对话: A: How happy you are! Next Monday is your wedding day. Congratulations! 你真幸福!下周一就要结婚了,恭喜你了! B: Thank you! 谢谢你! A: Fred is really a good guy. And he loves you so much. 弗菜德真是个好小伙子,他那么爱你。 (责任编辑:admin) |