新托福口语考试经常会涉及到一些重复的题目,ETS题库里经常会翻来覆去的考到一份题目,所以呢如果我们能够根据历年的托福口语真题总结出托福口语的出题规律和易考点,再有针对性地积累一些词汇及句型句式就可以在托福考场上减少思考时间,在 短的时间内组织好 严密的托福口语逻辑。以下是“托福口语真题分类解析人物类”,希望对你的考试有帮助。 出现在Task 1 about people【人物篇】 . What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have? (06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题) Sample answer: In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向) and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge because further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession. 第二、What are important characteristics you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题) Sample answer: I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who‘s honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. (责任编辑:admin) |