托福口语的题在托福口语考试中的话题不断的重复,当然会有一些微小变化的出现。就此,南京朗阁小编总结了托福口语题中的必考话题给考生们做一个参考,希望各位考生在托福考试之前一定要认真练习。 1、人物类考试题目——出题方式主要有2个 Who is the person you admire most? (可能会变通为your favorite teacher, the person influenced you most in your family 等等) What are the characteristics of a good leader/ teacher/ boss? 所有的题目都要求我们给出具体的要点。 2、地方类考法——出题方式只有1种,但可以变通为无数种 Where would you like to go to relax? 可以变通为: your favorite place./ The place you go to often/ the school that gives your strong impression. 3、事物类题目——出题方式稍有变化,题目数量逐年增加。题目考法如下: The most important gift you ever received. 可以变通为: The object you cherished most when you are young. Your favorite toy. Describe one gift you ever given to others. 4、事件类题目, 此类问题比较复杂,是因为里面会考到decision, choice, personal preference 等。此类题目典型考法: Describe an event you felt happy and explain why. The most important decision you ever made. Describe one successful experience. A celebration that impressed you. A challenging experience. A situation you asked for help, the response of the others. 阅读分数高的话,这些素材的熟悉将会是一个很好的基础。而且,要想 终想以托福结尾,单词的多样性也是必不可少的,所以日常的积累必不可少。 (责任编辑:admin) |