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时间:2017-02-27 15:20来源:朗阁小编作者:don



P1 The Concept of Children

P2 A New Ice age

P3 The Effect of Ocean Salinity


1. 本次考试难度适中。

2. 整体分析:涉及社会类(P1)、地理类(P2)、环境类(P3)。

   作为二月的 后一场考试,考题难度可以说是本月 低的一场,所选文章均为旧题,重合度高,有过机经刷题经历的考生有几率遇到原题,且文章话题并不生僻,如第二篇讲Ice Age的文章,与剑桥真题中的一篇文章相近。

3. 主要题型:本次考试配对题型比例正常水平,大概为15题左右,本月次出现short answer类题型,判断选择填空三大题型占据主导位置,配对题当中再一次出现了人名观点配对,该题型本月出现频率较高。

4. 文章分析:篇文章主要介绍了18世纪至19世纪,西方人们对儿童观念的变化;



5. 部分答案及参考文章:

Passage 1:



A One of the most hotly debated issues in the history of childhood has been whether childhood is itself a recent invention. The historian Philippe Aries argued that in Western Europe during the Middle Ages(up to about the end of the fifteenth century) children were regarded as miniature adults, with all the intellect and personality that this implies. He scrutinized medieval pictures and diaries. and found no distinction between children and adults as they shared similar leisure activities and often the same type of work. Aries, however, pointed out that this is not to suggest that children were neglected, forsaken or despised. The idea of childhood is not to be confused with affection for children; it corresponds to an awareness of the particular nature of childhood, that particular nature which distinguishes the child from the adult, even the young adult.


B There is a long tradition of the children of the poor playing traditional role in contributing to the family income by working either inside or outside the home. In this sense ,children are seen as useful. Back in the Middle Ages, children as young as5 or6 did important chores for their parents arid,  from the sixteenth century, were often encouraged(or forced) to leave the family by the age of 9 or10 to work as servants for wealthier families  or  to  be apprenticed to a trade.


C with industrializati0n in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a new demand for child labour was created, and many children were forced to work for1ong hours in mines, workshops and factories. Social reformers began to question whetherlabouring1ong hours from an early age would harm children's growing bodies. They began to recognize the potential of out  systematic  studies  to  monitor  how  far  these  early deprivatiols might be affecting children's deve1opment.


D Gradually, the concerns of the reformers began to impact on the working conditions of children. In Britain, the

signified the beginning of legal protection of children from exploitation and was linked to the rise of schools for factory children. The worst forms of child exp1oitation were gradually eliminated, partly through factory reform but also through of trade unions and economic changes during the century which made some forms of child labour redundant. Childhood was increasingly seen as a time for play and education for all children, not just for a privilege minority. Initiating children into work as'usefu1''children became less of a priority. As the age for startingfu11-time work was delayed, so childhood was increasingly understood as a more extended phase of dependency, development and learning, Even so, work continued to play a significant, if less centra1 role in children's lives throughout and twentieth century. And the'usefu1 child' has become a controversia1 image during the first decade of the twenty-first  century especia1ly in context of g1oba1 concern about large numbers of the world's children engaged in child labour.


参考答案:1.childhood development 2.miniature adults 3.industrialization 4.useful child 5.play and education

7.False  8.False  9.NG  10.True  11.False  12.True  13. NG


技巧分析:本文并未出现配对题型,考生应尽可能利用定位法找出答案,细节题型同时出现,考生可以根据顺序原则快速定位答案范围,同时留意三个题型间的关系,如处在中间的判断题,可以根据单选的 后一题出现的位置向后找,可以提高效率;做选择题时需要注意巧妙利用排除法,找出 合适的答案; 后需要注意多选题答案一般涉及文章一部分,根据其出现的位置,可以从文章结尾向前找答案,节省时间。


Passage 2:


参考文章:A New Ice Age

参考答案:14-16 DCA 17-21 DBACB  22. heat  23.denser  24.Great ocean conveyor  25.freshwater  26.southward


技巧分析:本篇文章配对题量较多,会占据较多时间,做题顺序先细节后主旨,利用排除法与定位法快速解决选择题;流程图题一般集中在文章某几段中,根据定位词及箭头顺序也可以轻松找出答案; 后人名观点题型可根据如下方法解决:

1.   做题前预处理选项,找出相似选项,分析各个选项中的名词,提前判断可能的替换形式

2.   完整的找出所有人名及相关观点的句子。

3.   完整理解,利用排除法选择 接近的选项。


Passage 3:


文章大意:文章提到了Underground Water 中盐度含量随着环境的变化而不断上升。世界上很多地方已经开始经历盐度含量超标的困境。文章详细介绍了盐度含量超标对澳大利亚的农业发展的影响。





1. 2017年2月 后一场考试,为本月较简单的一场,本月热门题型除了段落细节外,人名观点配对出现频率比较高,考生要注意,此类题型比较耗时耗力。在接下来的3月份考试中,出题风格会延续本月,但考生要注意有可能出现大量配对题型集中的情况,对阅读能力不足和没有足够刷题经验的考试着实是个考验。

2. 下场考试的话题可能有关生物类,医学类,传记类。

3. 重点浏览2010-13年机经。





