A leisure activity on or near the sea that you want to try
An English lesson you had
An occasion when you arrived early
Something that you want to do for a long time but haven’t done yet
A time you moved to a new school or home
An occasion that you had a special kind of cake
A clever decision someone made to solve a problem
A time you arrived very early for an appointment
An important change in your life(work or study)
An interesting talk you had with a stranger
An occasion you received a good service from a restaurant or a shop
A well-paid job that you will be good at in the future
An experience that you were not allow to use your cellphone
A decision made by others that you disagreed with
A time you had good experience in the countryside
A time you waited for a long time
A historical event in your country
A holiday you want to go on in the future
An experience you spent time with a child