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时间:2017-07-17 14:01来源:朗阁小编作者:don



Describe a cafe which you have been to

Describe a quiet place you like going to

Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming

Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown

Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited

Describe a city you’ve been to



Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

Describe a new friend you’ve made recently

Describe an interesting neighbour

Describe a celebrity in your country that you like. 

Describe a helpful person in your work or study

Describe a family member who made you proud

Describe two people you know from the same family

Describe the politest person you know



Describe a time you need to arrive early

Describe a time you went to a crowded place

Describe a recent change of you

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

Describe a time that you had a free gift

Describe a clever decision someone made to solve a problem. 

Describe a historic event in your country

Describe a plan (that is not related to your work or study) in your life

Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or a shop

Describe something you want to do for a long time but you haven’t done yet

Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood

Describe a piece of good news that you received

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

Describe an English lesson you had

Describe a time you saw lots of people smiling

Describe an interesting talk or speech

Describe an activity near water

Describe an experience you spent your time with a child

Describe a/an new/exciting activity that you want to try for the first time

Describe an experience that you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with

Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

Describe a time that you waited for something special

Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

Describe an occasion that you had a special cake

Describe a special meal you have had

Describe a trip you had by bike



Describe an important invention which has changed our life

Describe a piece of art (like statue, painting)

Describe a kind of vegetable or plant

Describe your favourite piece of clothing

Describe a kind of foreign food you have had



Describe a book that you want to read again

Describe a sport game you’ve watched

Describe a well-paid job that you will have in the future.

Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching

Describe a favourite song of yours

Describe a useful website you like to visit. 

Describe a kind of weather that you like.

Describe a big company or organization you know


Part 1:

Part1的题目源自我们的日常,和生活结合紧密(如fruit, jewellery, daily routine),因此需要同学们多关注身边的事物,掌握相应话题的词汇及表达。答题时建议先给direct answer,再补充extra information或给出personal examples作为内容的扩展,尽量做到自然、流畅即可。


Part 2:

Part2依旧是事件类占主流,需要同学们重视叙事技巧的打磨,用descriptions, reactions, feelings, reported speech (人物间的对话), comparisons between things来丰富故事情节。此外,在2分钟的有限时间里,尽量切题叙述,勿铺垫太多(如:若抽到describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage这题,叙述重点应是能够体现happy marriage的点滴事情,而不是couple间如何相识),否则容易让考官判定偏题。考前同学们还需多下功夫练习,整合可合并的话题,对于个别难临场发挥的题(如historic event)要提前research,才能在考试时信手拈来。







