1.本次考试整体难度适中Task 1常规图表,Task 2重点话题。
Task 1:静态饼图,2013年韩国人玩电子游戏的情况分析:年龄,性别,游戏销售占比。
1、1 occupies / accounts for/makes up/constitutes the majority of A (x%)
2、y% of A is shared by / is in the charge of 2.
3、3 and 4 represent/are responsible for / in charge of the rest, with z% and w% respectively.
4、a is nearly /more than…times as much/many/large as b.
Task 2: 犯罪+教育类
从话题范围来看,该题属于混合类话题,犯罪类与教育类相结合,此处注意平时的场景词汇和思路积累;从提问方式来看,属于观点类当中的同不同意。整体来看该题难度中等偏易,需注意题干重点是—是否同意“better education”是解决犯罪问题的有效措施,并未否认监禁重要性。建议采用双边论证写法:针对处理犯罪问题,承认监禁的有效性,但也不能忽视为公众提供好教育的重要性。
重要的是可以使罪犯(尤其重罪felony)在监狱里受到严密监视be closely monitored,不会再犯罪recommit crimes避免对外部世界造成危害would not cause damage to the outside world。此外,监禁的惩罚可以对潜在的违法犯罪者potential law breakers起到很好的震慑作用certainly has a deterrent effect。
为公众提供better education的必要性:
仅仅把罪犯送进监狱无法从根源上解决犯罪问题cannot be solved at its source,因此需要其他一些措施的辅助,比如教育感化等。受过良好教育的人犯罪可能性低well-educated people have a lower likelihood of violating the law。教育,尤其普法教育judicial education使得公众认识到犯罪行为的严重性seriousness of the grave delinquency和需要承担的后果dire consequences。因此,他们能区分对错distinguish right from wrong,成为守法公民becoming law-abiding citizens。好的教育还提高了人们就业的可能secure a decent career for citizens,可以自食其力养活自己及家人earn a high salary to support themselves and their family members由此降低了财产犯罪率declining property-crime rates。此外,教育在改造罪犯rehabilitation方面也起着重要作用。教育和工作培训vocational education可以使得前罪犯ex-prisoners学习掌握工作技能some essential job skills,帮助他们回归社会help integrate prison inmates back into society, 弥补之前所犯过错remedy their mistakes and amend themselves。