Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) Gift Morning Routine Accommodation Emails Hometown Stars Sports Music Work or studyCities Tea and coffeeCooking Sky Sleep Colors Shoes The area you live inHandwriting Public holidaySharing Photos Pet Paintings Patience Part2题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) 人物类: Describe a person when you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up Describe an old person who is interesting Describe an intelligent person you know Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more Describe someone you would like to work/study with Describe a teenager that you know Describe a person who helps to protect the environment 地点类: Describe a beautiful city that you know Describe a place that you study Describe an ideal house Describe a newly built public facility Describe an interesting part of your country 事件类: Describe a time you received horrible service Describe something you do to help your study or work Describe a situation when you didn’t have time for Describe a time you enjoyed your free time Describe a time that you had some medicine Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person Describe an important decision you made with the help of others Describe an experience that you were scared Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time 物品类: Describe a good law in your country Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in Describe your grandparent’s job Describe a game that you liked in your childhood Describe a historical period you like to know Describe something lost by others but found by you Describe a present you received which was made by hand Describe a successful family business that you know Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event Describe a healthy lifestyle you know Describe a kind of outdoor sport that you played for the first time Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn Describe a book you want to write Describe a piece of good news you heard 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 新题季第二场考试,题目已经基本稳定。本季度的part1基本没有什么特别难的题目,大部分还是相当生活化,能够让学生做到有话可说。今天来谈谈本季度的新题crowded place,这个题目其实难度不在扩展,而在词汇,毕竟大多数学生对于拥挤就只能想到crowded来回说。在这里给大家介绍两个俚语,一个是:packed like sardines,注意这个俚语的主语是人,不要把地点作为主语。如It is quite common that people are packed like sardines in XJK metro station. I can always see tons of passengers every time I pass by. 另一个俚语是(地点)is like a cattle car,比如I hate taking buses at peak hours, cos it would be like a cattle car非常形象生动的俚语,大家可以用在这个话题的回答中哦~ Part2: 本季度part2还是有一定难度的,但从串题的角度而言比上一季要简单,建议大家准备一些比较出彩的核心素材然后去套用,节省备考时间。 比如如果让你发笑的电视节目是有关parenting skill的《爸爸去哪儿》;听说的好消息就是原班人马(the original cast)要出演续集了(sequel);没见过想认识的人是王岳伦,因为他从一个连给女儿扎马尾辫都不会的爸爸(he didn’t even know how to tie a ponytail for his daughter) 变成了一个贴心的好爸爸(considerate and approachable);空闲时做的事是看综艺节目(variety shows)…… 考生不妨在下手写素材之前,先把题目全部串一遍,最大限度提高效率。 考试建议 1月17日的考试就快要到来,除了老生常谈的考前一定要准备好、休息足之外,汪老师还建议各位考生在出发去考口语之前,先用英语自言自语一小时,模仿跟读亦可。这个方法很简单粗暴但也非常有用,归根结底是让考生在面对考官之前,已经充分从中文环境置换成英语环境,有助于提升语感。总之,祝大家马到功成! (责任编辑:jasmine) |