Part1题目汇总 Cities Work or study CookingTea and coffee Sleep Sky Shoes Colors Handwriting The area you live in Sharing Public holiday Pet Photos Patience Paintings Morning RoutineGift EmailsAccommodation StarsHometown MusicSports
Part2题目汇总 人物类: Describe an intelligent person you know Describe a person who helps to protect the environment Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more Describe an old person who is interesting Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet Describe a person when you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up Describe someone you would like to work/study with Describe a teenager that you know 地点类: Describe an ideal house Describe a newly built public facility Describe a beautiful city that you know Describe a place that you study Describe an interesting part of your country 事件类: Describe a time you received horrible service Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time Describe a time that you had some medicine Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members Describe something you do to help your study or work Describe a situation when you didn’t have time for Describe a time you enjoyed your free time Describe an experience that you were scared Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person Describe an important decision you made with the help of others 物品类: Describe something lost by others but found by you Describe a good law in your country Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in Describe your grandparent’s job Describe a present you received which was made by hand Describe a healthy lifestyle you know Describe a game that you liked in your childhood Describe a historical period you like to know Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn Describe a book you want to write Describe a piece of good news you heard Describe a kind of outdoor sport that you played for the first time Describe a successful family business that you know 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 今天给大家带来的新鲜热辣的点评,因为汪老师今天也去参加口语考试啦~抽到的part1题目是public holidays、work or study 以及 stars,被问到的小问题无一例外全部出自本季度的机经,所以完全a piece of cake!没有拿到朗阁的机经的烤鸭们赶紧联系朗阁的课程顾问们索取哟~ 题目全部给你,只看你练不练! 说回题目,当时汪老师被问及Who is your favorite movie star,其实大脑一片空白,于是使用了拖延大法“well, it’s actually a tough question because I am basically not a movie lover, but if I had to choose I would say……” 争取了五六秒钟后,终于脑子中间出现了一个明星的名字:Alan Rickman,于是赶紧讲了出来,并且在回答时给出了充分的细节,如“velvet-like voice”“acted as Professor Snape”等,顺利过关!各位烤鸭们一定要牢记,雅思问答并不需要你每一题都不加思考立刻给出答案,自然的承接过渡也是很有帮助的哟~ Part2: 今天汪老师抽到的题目是Describe a healthy lifestyle you know,使用的素材是“健身”。在讲述的时候主要分成为什么健身,怎么健身以及健身有什么好处。健身相关的词汇是很多的,比如形容自己胖了可以说I packed on some pounds,身材比较丰满可以说chubby,健身的目的一来是减肥lose weight、跟蝴蝶袖说拜拜say goodbye to the flabby arms,二来也是增强新陈代谢boost metabolism、避免上课犯困less drowsy during classes or work等。健身的内容主要是在家做一些间歇性训练internal training,如深蹲squat、引体向上pull-ups,加上器械训练比如running on the treadmill等。 健身这个题材可以串的素材还是很多的,烤鸭们不妨把汪老师提到的词汇串进自己的内容里哟~ 考试建议 1月19日的考试是本月的最后一场,也是新题季考生人数相对多的一场。经过几个礼拜的练习,相信19号的烤鸭们都已经准备得差不多了吧?在这里顺便解答一下很多考生的问题:如果我时间不够,我该把侧重点放在part1、2还是3呢?答案是part2!因为理论上part2是整个口语考试中最考验考生说话自然、完整以及逻辑的部分。如果这个部分准备较为充分熟练,1和3正常发挥的话,理论上是更有可能拿到理想分数的。总之,祝愿所有19日考试的烤鸭们旗开得胜! (责任编辑:jasmine) |