Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) The area you live in Hometown Work or study Accommodation Handwriting City Stars Sunglasses Drinking water Painting Food Sky Transportation Sharing Color Pet Music Parks/gardens Shoes Take photos Patience Part2题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) 人物类: Describe a person who helps to protect the environment Describe a teenager that you know Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome Describe an old person who is interesting Describe someone you would like to study or work with Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more Describe an intelligent person you know 地点类: Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas etc.) that influences your city Describe an interesting part of your country Describe a place that you study Describe an ideal house Describe a beautiful city that you know 物品类: Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event Describe your grandparent’s job Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in Describe a historical period that you want to know more Describe an item you bought that you don’t use quite often Describe something lost by others but found by you Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time Describe a healthy lifestyle you know Describe a book you want to write Describe a gift to someone that you made by yourself Describe something given to you that you really need Describe an important plant in your country Describe a book that you recently read Describe a good law in your country Describe a successful family business that you know Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn Describe a language (except English) that you want to learn Describe a game that you liked in your childhood 事件类: Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members Describe an important decision you made with the help of others Describe an interesting talk or lecture that you heard recently Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet) Describe a complaint that you are satisfied with the result Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift Describe a time that you had to change your plan Describe a party that you joined Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future Describe a time that you taught something new to a younger person Describe a time you enjoyed your free time Describe a success that your friend has had Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time for Describe something you do to help you study or work Describe a time you received horrible service Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something 朗阁讲师吴玲点评 Part 1: Part 1部分比较简单,题型也比较固定。希望大家能用机经上的题目认真练习。对于sky,painting这类话题可以事先积累一些素材,做到有话可说,并且回答一定的长度,适当make up一下答案,展现自己词汇和句式的多样性。在梳理素材时可以深挖素材为part2 & part3部分做准备。 Part2: 在Part 2部分大家可以根据题型来理素材。相关话题可以往自己准备好的话题上靠拢。但是不能光准备话题不练习哦。最好一边计时一边练习,确保自己在考试的时候能够讲到2min,并且内容能够保证。有时为了达到整体叙述的连贯和流利,可以适当调整问题的顺序进行描述。 考试预测 1. 平时在用机经练习的时候,不仅仅只是想着怎么回答完就OK哦,还要深挖背后的素材,把自己的答案多样化,“花式”秀出自己的英语。比如part 1部分考官问到自己的家乡:Is that a big city or small place? 不管回答“a big city”还是 “a small place”都可以想想自己如果回答另一方面可以怎么说,更进一步说,也可以梳理生活在“a big city”和“a small place”的好处和坏处,那么不管在part1 还是part3考官讨论到相关的话题,自己都会有话可说。 2. 在平时备考阶段也要多积累口语化的表达,比如一些俚语、俗语化表达。例如我们在描述两个人的性格不同,我们可以用“like chalk and cheese”比如说:We are like chalk and cheese, he is sociable and extrovert while I’m the opposite.用这些习语化表达会形象又有趣。大家可以将自己平日里“平淡”的表达换成一些有趣的习语,最后祝大家早日屠鸭成功! (责任编辑:jasmine) |