8月24日雅思考试已经过去了,同学们都考得怎么样呢?来跟着朗阁老师一起回顾一下本场雅思写作考试吧。 小作文:地图 大作文:Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improve health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments? 朗阁讲师冯婵娟点评 1. 本次考试Task 1是地图,图中表明了房屋的现在与未来的变化。总体相对容易。 2. Task 2题型开始改变,这种题型很久没有出过了(剑四之前),总体难度中等。 3. 整体分析: Task 1: 动态地图。 注意地图题的主要特点,比如哪些是从无到有,哪些是从有到无。 注意点:1.注意时态(没有时间用一般现在时);2.注意多用同义表达;3.写作时注意对比。 相关表达: 1.对比(by contrast; however; while) 2.从无到有 appear/emerge A garage appeared in the northwestern area of the property. 3.从有到无 disappear/vanish The seafood market near the restaurants vanished in 2015. 4.方位移动 move/relocate The library has been moved to the northeastern part of the campus. 类似题目请参考高分范文(第八版)p125 Task 2: 政府投资类(医药医疗研究) 题型:开放型 题目翻译:研究新型药物和治疗方法对于改善健康和治疗疾病至关重要。你认为谁应该资助这些研究:私企、个人或政府? 题目解析: 开放型题型考试几率较低(18年只考过一次)。考察的是医药医疗研究的资金来源。难点在于医疗和金钱方面的词汇。 做题时首先注意审题,关键词是new types of medicine and treatments,improve health and deal with diseases和private companies, individuals or governments。医疗研究的受益者是大众。然而医疗研究花费巨大,所以钱肯定越多越好。政府+企业+个人、政府+企业方式等组合都可以。政府需要出钱的原因是因为政府的资金来自企业和个人的税收。而企业则可从出售药品、医疗器械等产品中获利。而由于有些企业的负责人、明星和顶尖运动员等属于高收入群体,因此医疗领域也可以接受个人的捐款。 一、开头段观点: 我认为研究新型药物和治疗方法需要得到政府、私企和个人的资助,尤其是高收入群体。I argue that studying new types of medicine and treatments should be funded by governments, private firms and individuals, especially those highly-paid. 二、中间主体段落:(段落论证时需要注意论点要具体明确,论据要具体充分。) (一)医疗研究主要需要政府的资金支持。Medicare research can be supported financially mainly by governments for its ability to provide sufficient funds. 政府资金的优势在于相对充足,因为政府的资金来源于企业与个人的税收,不容易随着市场经济的变化波动太大。For one thing, the authorities can collect taxes more efficiently. (论点1 :高效率收税提供充足资金) Specifically, they can impose taxes on harmful products such as tobacco and alcohol; they can increase taxes on high-income groups such as successful stars or athletes(论据:对有害商品收税和对高收入人群加税). For another, governments can give higher priority to health in their budget allocations(论点2: 政府可以分配预算时优先考虑用在医疗上). This means that they need to manage to spend more money on exploring new categories of medicine and treatments, while they can cut funding for other less important areas (论据:进一步解释如何分配预算). In this way, these two methods can contribute a large sum of money to improving the public health(总结其积极影响:充足资金改善公众健康,回应主题句为什么主要靠政府出钱). (二)私企可以给医药医疗研究提供重要的资金来源Apart from governments’ financial support (注意和上一段衔接), private corporations can invest in researching new solutions for the current diseases from profits by selling products, leading to win-win results. 企业除了交税外,其研发也是一种投资,因为研发成功后的利润很高。 (三)To diversify domestic resources of medical funds, individuals, especially high-income groups are responsible for donating to healthcare studies. 这种资金的优势在于积少成多。只要个人愿意,并且有一定的经济能力,那么自愿捐赠通过长期积累也会很可观。 三、结尾 In conclusion, studies on new types of medicine and treatments should be financed by government, invested by private businesses, and donated by individuals, especially the rich. 金钱类词汇总结:(拿出你的小本本赶快记下来) fund v. /n. cut funding financially support (v.) financial support (n.) budget finance v. contribute money to 考试预测 1.小作文:重点关注动态图(饼图、柱图)、静态图(柱图、表格为次重点,适当关注流程图)。 2.大作文:社会类、媒体、犯罪及科技类仍然是关注的重点,同时政府类是次重点。 3.重点浏览15年和17年的写作机经,可借助《高分范文书》第7和第8版经典旧题来复习话题思路,同时参考考官范文来复习结构和语言。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |