场景话题: S1 咨询展览馆/ S2 书店开业促销活动介绍/ S3 自然与自然图像对人体健康的影响/ S4 穴居动物 题型设置: S1填空(旧题)/ S2地图+单选(旧题) / S3单选+配对(旧题)/ S4 填空(旧题) 朗阁教师李笑笑点评 本次考试场景为三旧一新,选择与填空题比例为20:20,整体偏难。 填空题具体答案如下:(仅供参考) s1: 1.11th March; 2. 3 days; 3. test; 4. camera; 5. 110; 6. Edgeworth; 7. Summer; 8. city centre; 9. directions; 10. online s2:11.C. behind the bookshelf; 12. cushion: F. left of the door; 13. computer area: D. between the long bookshelves; 14. cafe bar: A. beside the elevator; 15. newspaper: H. second on the right; 16. C. make people remain in the store; 17. C. on the top floor; 18. C. provide professional childcare; 19. B. persuading people to buy books as more as possible; 20. C. are willing to read their poems to the public s3:21.a is in-available on the day originally arranged;22.A He is considering it as an area for future study;23.C Researchers are unsure about the causes of improve;24.B Inspired further investigation;25.A The range of benefits to health that contact w;26.C A view of nature alone helped patients recover;27.Robert Stone---E interactive images of nature;28.Roger UIrich---a nature programmes and others;29.Swedish researchers---F actual nature and images of;30. North American researchers ---D nature sound s4: 31. entrance; 32. smell; 33. water; 34. winter; 35. dark; 36. eggs; 37. blind; 38. fish; 39. soil; 40. disease 点评:本场考试题型比较多样化:填空,单选,配对,地图轮番出现。正常考试难度偏大,听力S1一开场就念rap,这语速确定不是和S4放错了位置吗?紧接着的S2地图题直接把人给整懵了不说,圆形图书馆又是什么鬼?好在S4让人看到了一丝希望,那“娓娓道来”的语速,让人简直受宠若惊。大家平常复习听力的时候除了填空选择的基础题型,也要适当训练匹配定位的题型,到了考场才不至于像今天这样流下悔恨的泪水。建议学生在接下来的备考中,一定多提高听力基本功,提高语速。 参考剑桥练习:剑10Test1S4,剑8Test1Section2,剑8Test4S4等 备注:在接下来的备考中,选择题(尤其是单选和配对)仍然是重中之重,同时加强多留意多选题的练习。考生们可以选取剑桥真题的类似组合着重训练,记得多总结以及同义替换的积累。在练习听力的过程中,由于s1/4的难度有所提升,注意适当提高语速,平时练习时可加至1.25-1.5倍速练习。基础信息题部分强调对数字练习的听写练习,注意连读/吞音等特殊发音现象。 考试预测 1. 场景方面:场景方面依旧是主流场景(咨询、旅游、课程讨论、讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1租房,S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论及论文写作,S4动植物,环境,历史,学术等各类学术讲座。 2. 机经:如需参考机经,以2013-2018年机经为主。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |