2019年9月12日雅思口语考题回顾已经整理出来啦,各位备考雅思的同学们可以来了解一下作为参考哦。 Part1题目汇总 Haircut Jeans Concentration Voice Walking Languages Perfume Routine Reading Smile OutdoorPlan Visit relativesMath Market Garbage Social network Borrowing/ lending Travel Hometown Accommodation Work or Study MakeupTiredness Part2新题汇总 人物类: Describe a person who is good at his or her job Describe a person who often travels by plane 物品类: Describe a film you would like to share with your friends Describe a toy you liked in your childhood Describe an advice you received on choosing your major or work Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare Describe an experience that you enjoyed an indoor game Describe something you borrowed from others 事件类: Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement Describe an experience that you visited a friend Describe an occasion when you met someone for the first time Describe the happiest day you have ever had Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school Describe an experience that you won a prize Describe a time when you visited a park Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others 地点类: Describe a school you went to in your childhood Describe a place where you read and write (not your home) Describe a place you remember well that is full of color Describe a new public place you would like to visit Describe a sky you would like to see 朗阁教师汪婧点评 Part 1: 新题月第二场考试,题目趋于稳定,但还有一些旧题是否留库仍未确认,因此本期依然以分析新题为主。 本季度part1新增一个抽象题walking,算是老题回库了。这题难度不大,只需要大家记住一个很简单的方法——"人物时间地点事情感受"举例法。比如where do you usually take a walk这题,我们可以回答: Well since I’m a college student, for most of the times I walk around the campus on a daily basis. You know, from dormitory to lecture building, from the library to the canteen, something like that. We are not allowed to ride a bicycle for security reasons, so it’s a bit inconvenient, but I guess it’s also a good way for us to enhance the physical ability. 根据个人情况,先给一个宽泛的地点——校园,然后再给细节。之后针对自己的答案给与一点评价,同时要注意词汇的口语化。这样没有太多套路听起来又很真实的答案完全可以获得考官的青睐哦~ Part2: 今天来跟大家说一下本季度part2的新题toy,这题难度比较中等。不过大家一定要注意“真情实感”这个p2原则。在教学过程中,汪老师经常发现很多学生的part2素材相当的“百度百科”,仿佛是一个没有感情的人在机械介绍一样物品或是一个人,这点是不对的哦~ 比如toy这题,光这个玩具怎么来的就可以给一个很有个人色彩的故事了。比如小学时候玩得很好的朋友攒钱买给我的,比如中学时候努力考出了好成绩爸妈给的……总之一定要生活化,并且一定要主动去分享这样的事例。玩具本身的介绍也可以活泼一些,比如你说这个长毛绒小兔子stuffed bunny摸起来很fluffy,所以你很喜欢用脸去蹭rub against it,这样是不是很孩子气但又很有趣呢?切记不要死板! 考试建议 9月第二场考试,很多学生出来都抱怨题目太难啦…… 那么我先问,你真的花了足够多的时间去练习了吗?有一句老话特别刺耳但特别有道理——机会总是给有准备的人。如果所以的题库都没有开口说一遍,那可真是浪费了题库啦!总之呢,祝下场考试的烤鸭们一切顺利!愿所有的付出都有回报! (责任编辑:jasmine) |