2019年11月2日雅思阅读考题回顾 P1 Russia Ballet P2 The Reconstruction of Community P3 澳洲古生物(英文标题待补充) 朗阁教师冯昳点评 1. 本次考试:难度适中。 2. 整体分析:涉及历史类(P1)、社会生活类(P2)、动植物类(P3)。 本场考试题型常规题型偏多,第一篇为判断及填空,比较轻松,同时文章说明性较强,逻辑思路明显;第二篇文章为段落小标题,人名观点配对题和填空题的搭配题型;第三篇为判断,填空和单选的搭配题型,但因为文章位于最后,题材较难理解且单选题的难度跨度较大,考生需灵活运用技巧以提高做题正确率。 3. 主要题型: 本次考试题型常规。主流题型仍然是填空(15题)和判断(10题);单选题出现了5题,比较适中;同时人名观点匹配题出现了3题,以及段落小标题出现了7题。 4. 文章分析: 第一篇文章主要讲述17世纪到至今俄罗斯芭蕾舞的演变和发展。 第二篇文章主要介绍新西兰塔尔博特公园社区重建的过程。 第三篇文章主要介绍澳洲古生物,以及其是否与人共存等问题的探讨与看法。 5. 部分答案及参考文章: Passage 1:The History of Russia Ballet 题型搭配:判断6+填空7 原文待补充 1. TRUE 2. TRUE 3. FALSE 4. FALSE 5. NOT GIVEN 6. TRUE 7. theater 8. dress 9. director 10.publication 11.revival 12.character 13.popularity 技巧分析:本文是常规的判断和填空搭配题型。考生在定位时应注意填空题第一题的定位,以防全篇交叉出题;同时在做题方式上应该快速组合定位到原文出题区域,选出答案,保证正确率和速度! Passage 2:The Reconstruction of Community 题型:段落小标题7+人名观点匹配3+填空3 相似文章参考: A. The buildings in Talbot Park are eye-catching now and quite different from other state-built ones. “There is no reason why public housing should look cheap in view,” says Design Group architect Neil. The bricks and wood-built houses and apartments are tidy. B. Talbot Park is a triangle of government-owned land bounded by Apirana Ave, Pilkington Ed and Point England Rd. In the early 1960s it was developed for state housing build around a linear park that ran through the middle. Initially, there was a strong sense of a family-friendly community. Former residents recall how the Talbot Park reserve played a big part in their childhoods - a place where the kids in the block came together to play softball, cricket, leapfrog and bulrush. “It was all just good fun”, says George Thompson. “We had respect for our neighbors and addressed them by the title Mr. and Mrs. so and so,” she recalls. C. Quite what went wrong with Talbot Park is not clear. The community began to change in the late 1970s as more immigrants such as Pacific Islanders and Europeans moved in. The new arrivals didn’t integrate with the community, a “them and us” mentality developed, and residents interacted with their neighbors less. What was clear was that the buildings were deteriorating and shabbier. The rate of crime was on the rise and the reserve-focus of fond childhoods memories-had become a wasteland and was considered unsafe. But it wasn’t until 2002 that Housing New Zealand decided the properties needed upgrading. D. Some controversial views arose when the program started and actually, the program made the density of the people greater. As the building in the park included free-standing houses, semi-detached or low-level apartments, the state took the mix and match strategy which involved different architects and prevented the buildings from being the same. And the interiors such as the kitchen and bathroom were made comfortable and not over the budget. The walls in the community were cancelled and showed the people with see-through openness. E. The community is comprised of different races: Pacific islanders, Maoris, New Zealand Europeans. The tenants also include other races from Asia, Ukraine and Iran. The design of buildings should be accommodated to the ethic cultures. F. People who lived in the park are in low socio-economic level. Of the 5000 households there, 55 percent are state houses, 28 percent privately owned (compared to about 65 percent nationally) and 17 percent are private rental. The area has a high concentration of an income in the $ 5000to $15000 and very few with an income over $70000. That’s in sharp contrast to the more affluent suburbs like Kohumarama and St. John’s that surround the area. G. There’s no doubt that good urban design and good architecture play a significant part in the scheme. But probably more important is a new standard of social control. Housing New Zealand calls it “intensive tenancy management.” Others view it as social engineering. “It is a model that we are looking at going forward,” according to Housing New Zealand’s central Auckland regional manager Graham Bodman. “The focus is on frequent inspections, helping tenants to get to know each other. That includes some strict rules- no loud parties after 10 pm, no dogs, no cats in the apartment, no washing hung over balcony rails and a requirement to mow lawns and keep the property tidy. Housing New Zealand has also been active in organizing morning teas and street barbecues for resident to meet their neighbors. “It’s all based in the intensification,” says Community Renewal project manager Stuart Bracey. “We acknowledge if you are going to put more people living closer together you have to actually help them to live together because it creates tension-especially for people that aren’t used to it.” 14. VI 15. VIII 16. V 17. III 18. IX 19. VII 20. II 21. D.James Lunday 22. B.Graham Bodman 23. C.Stuart Bracey 24. density 25. architects 26. budget 27. garden 技巧分析:此题是段落小标题、人名观点匹配和填空三者搭配的题型。为了提高做题的效率,考生可以从文章后面开始对填空题进行定位并处理这些细节题,细节题做完之后转向做这些段落对应的大意题。另外,匹配题需要根据人名来定位,同时锁定答案区域选出答案。请注意第二篇时间的把控,基于此,考生需要对于各种搭配题型有熟练的做题方法和灵活的解题方式。 Passage 3:澳洲古生物(英文标题待补充) 题型:判断4+Summary选项5+单选5 原文待补充 27.YES 18.NOT GIVEN 29.NO 30.YES 31.B 32.D 33.E 34.A 35.F 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.B 技巧分析:全细节题型文章可直接按题型顺序依次解题,从容易定位的题下手,同时留意答案句出现间距,把握好不同题型涉及范围。填空题较难定位,注意使用空白段原则,先从易定位题型下手,考虑跳段情况。 考试预测 1. 2019年11月第一场考试,难度中等。根据全年考试特点来看,配对题中段落信息题为重点,考生应着重准备。在接下来考试中,出题风格会延续,但考生要注意有可能出现大量配对题型集中的情况,对阅读能力不足和没有足够刷题经验的考生着实是个考验。 2. 下场考试的话题可能有关科学类,科学类,传记类。 3. 重点浏览2015年机经。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |