2020年1月4日雅思考试口语回顾如下,各位备考雅思考试的同学们赶紧来看一下吧。 Part1题目汇总Cake History science class spending time by yourself Scenery Number Park Running Break Art Laugh pen&pencil water sport Hometown Work or study Haircut Voice Jeans Walking Friends Accommodation Wild animal Languages Countryside Part2新题汇总人物类: Describe a person who taught you Describe a family member you spend most time with 物品类: 具象 Describe a team where you were a member Describe a successful small company Describe a local house or apartment where you want to live Describe a uniform (in school or company) you wear 抽象 Describe a change that can improve your local area Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future Describe a performance you watched recently Describe a piece of important news you got Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important 事件类: Describe a time when you were excited Describe an important journey that was delayed Describe a time when someone apologized to you Describe a time when you helped someone Describe a difficult challenge you met 地点类: Describe a crowded place you went to 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 换题季第一次考题回顾,汪老师在这里把截止4号为止搜集到的新题都分享给大家了。完整的题库请大家时刻关注朗阁的更新哦~ 这次part1新题整体没有特别难的,还有诸如history,park之类多次出现的老朋友。可能需要大家稍微注意一下的是spending time by yourself这题。我觉得这题大家的答案很容易泯然众人矣,也很容易在上一个问题do you like spending time by yourself把想说的都说差不多了,后面问你说how do you usually do when you spend time by yourself的时候觉得无话可说。大家一定要注意“降级”法,不要泛泛而谈,抓住一点往细节走,那么就永远都不会缺少话题可讲啦。比如上一题谈谈一个人躺在床上刷手机swipe the phone,下一题说说在宿舍里用笔记本电脑和哥们儿联网打PUBG。要让考官觉得你切换自如,永远有生动的细节。 Part2: 这一季的新题也见到了很多回炉重造的老朋友。比如Describe a successful small company,今天就来说一说这题吧。如果你跟汪老师一样是B站重读黏着用户,那么不妨以B站作为素材哦~ 这是一个以二次元为主的网站two-dimensional world,也是很多中国青少年的精神家园spiritual home。它有弹幕系统bullet screen,也不会让你看得好好地时候给你弹窗广告pop up ad,所以每一次逛B站都可以玩得很愉快have a blast。 结合自己的人设,就可以做出一篇很接地气又不那么常见的素材啦~ 考试建议 发现很多同学由于赶时间,报了正处于换题季的1月份的考试。勇士,给你点赞哦~ 不要慌张,把上季度准备过的素材好好梳理一下,看看有多少能换汤不换药用在这季度新题里的。再用剩下的时间好好把题目都过一遍,多开口练!6分也不是那么难啦! (责任编辑:jasmine) |