2020年7月11日雅思考试口语回顾 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为新题) Sleep Fish InsectsDiscussion Cooking Public transportation Age groupTidiness Shopping Jokes HistoryWater Sports .Desserts and cakesPen and pencil Being aloneScience classes Laugh Movies Beautiful sceneryBreaks Work or study Accommodation Part2新题汇总 人物类: Describe a person you are happy to know Describe an intelligent person that you know Describe a person who you have lived with before Describe an interesting neighbor Describe a friend who is a good leader Describe a person who came up with a new idea or invention, whom you know well. Describe a person you want to be familiar with Describe an old friend you enjoy talking with. 物品类: Describe a subject you studied in the past Describe a book you read recently Describe a souvenir you bought Describe a foreign country(culture) you want to know more about Describe an advertisement you remember well 事件类: Describe a day that you want in the future Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes Describe a time when someone helped you Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed Describe a meal you had with your friend Describe something you want to do for a Long time but you haven 't done yet Describe a time when you missed an appointment Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination. Describe the best experience of your school/ university life you have had. 地点类: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a place where you enjoy staying in. Describe a building that you enjoy the time being there 朗阁名师汪婧点评 Part 1: 经历过漫~~长的等待,雅思终于千呼万唤又回来! 相信同学们真是等到花儿也谢了啊。这一次给大家送上了最新收集到的雅思口语新题,大家看了以后觉得怎么样呢?总体来说雅思口语part1的难度还是保持不变的,综合一些爱好类、抽象类的题。大家只要做到多从主观的角度去回答,就能有不错的发挥。比如你是一个爱干净的人吗?Not really, I am kind of lazy so, I would prefer just to tidy my room like, once per two weeks? I know it would be a little bit messy, but you know, I am a student who studies 24/7, so tidiness is not my top priority. 因为我比较懒,而且又是一个忙的要死的学生,所以保持干净这种事儿并不是我最在意的事情。从个人的人设角度出发,回答问题就会很简单了。 Part2: 这个季度的“新题”里其实有不少老题回炉重造。比如描述一个纪念品,描述你跟朋友吃的愉快一餐等。 建议大家在选择素材的时候,不要选那些烂大街的,大部分学生都会说的。比如吃饭说生日派对,电影说哈利波特,人物说马云…… 还是讲一些更小众,更和自己的生活娱乐相关的话题会更容易出彩。比方说,吃饭可以说去网红餐厅打卡,人物可以说某个游戏主播…… 越是和自己的爱好结合,越是能容易讲出一个有趣又生动的素材。 考试建议 基于现在还有很多新题并没有出来,大家一定要好好去练1-4月口语题库中画下划线的题目(本季度必考的考题),以及本期考题回顾中汪老师给大家收集的题目。记住,口语,practise makes perfect 你第一遍磕磕绊绊,第二遍勉勉强强,第三遍就可以轻松自如啦。总之,自信,自然,自HIGH,面对考官,表现最好的自己!加油! (责任编辑:jasmine) |