7月26日雅思口语考题南京朗阁老师带同学们一起回顾一下,口语还是比较重要的一个,同学们如果需要的话,朗阁是有口语专项班的哦。 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为本季度新题) Sleep Fish Laugh Discussion Newspapers & magazines Water Sports Meeting new people Tidiness Cooking Insects Staying up latePublic transportation Jokes and comediesGifts Desserts and cakesPen and pencil Famous people Science classes Age Being alone Beautiful sceneryhometown Work or study Shopping Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为本季度新题) 人物类: Describe a person you are happy to know Describe an old person you know and respect Describe a friend who is a good leader Describe a person who taught you something Describe a person in the news who you want to meet. Describe a family member you spend most time with. 物品类: Describe an application (program) you usually use on your phone Describe a souvenir you bought Describe a large company that you are interested in Describe a film that made you think a lot Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future Describe a sport that you would like to try for the first time Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message Describe a film you would like to share with your friends Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve Describe a successful small company Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first Describe a change that can improve your local area Describe a uniform (in school or company) you wear 事件类: Describe a (long) car journey you went on Describe a time when a family member asked you for help Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know Describe a time you are surprised to meet a friend Describe a time when you were excited Describe an occasion when the weather prevented your activity Describe a (long) car journey you went on Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood Describe a trip that has been delayed for a long while. Describe an interesting animal you saw Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. Describe an art exhibition you recently saw Describe a time when someone apologized to you Describe a time when you helped someone Describe the biggest challenge you have faced Describe a volunteering experience you have had Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made Describe a time when you missed an appointment Describe an occasion when you wasted your time Describe a team where you were a member Describe a performance you watched recently 地点类: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again Describe a place where you are able to relax Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about Describe a crowded place you have been to. Describe a new public place you would like to visit Describe an ideal house or apartment you want to live in. 朗阁名师吴玲点评 Part 1: 本季度Part1出现了一部分“卷土重来”的新题,老烤鸭们应该对这些题比较熟悉。一些常考的话题study or work; hometown等也不能松懈,多加练习! 今天就来分享关于“sleep”这个话题的语料。就是简单的 “go to sleep”就有很多替换,除了大家熟知的“go to bed”还可以替换“hit the bed”“be off to sleep” “fall asleep”等。如果是会早起的人就可以说a morning person; 同样,熬夜的人、夜猫子就是a night person; 或者a night owl; 可不是a night cat 2333. Part2: 粗体字的话题是本季度新的话题,考到的可能性很大,大家一定要提前准备好素材。但是考试时可不能完全背素材哦,要演技上线,“演”给考官看,跟自己平时说起来有些迟疑、停顿或者短了点都是正常的,平时大约准备2min+的内容,这样考试时说到1min30s+的内容才能保证。 Part2虽然有很多常考的话题,但是大家不要一味想着套素材哦,在选材时可以尽量新颖,避免Cliché; 比如在当季度“重要新技能”的话题,大家第一时间都是想到cooking;driving这样的技能;仔细想想还有新颖的素材——像罗志祥一样做个时间管理大师不算技能吗?[time management; multitasking] 或者很多人能把自己的自拍P成网红风 [photoshop a selfie] 不是技能吗?并不是要求大家选材能让考官听到眼珠子掉下来,但是结合自己的所见所闻尽量新颖! 考试建议 口语备考技巧——练!Part1&2每个话题练习之前准备好语料在题库旁写下key words; 然后自己freestyle反而更加真实,可以在回答的时候录音。如果有老师帮助批改当然最好不过,[P.S打个广告,朗阁有口语作业批改服务,对大家负责到底,快来成为我们的学生~] 如果没有老师批改大家就回头听一遍自己的录音,自我纠错。最后,祝大家一次性屠鸭成功!两千多的报名费吃火锅喝奶茶也很香别拿来报名了! (责任编辑:jasmine) |