今天南京朗阁小编带大家回顾一下2020年8月20日雅思写作考题,正在备考的同学可以多看看哦,如果需要学习雅思写作专项的可以预约南京朗阁的单项课程试听哦。 小作文:line chart 大作文:Demand of food is increasing worldwide. What are the cause? What measures could the international community take in order to improve the situation? 朗阁名师植正洋点评 1.本次考试难度较低。 2.整体分析: Task 1:线图,描述了大学生面临的不同问题问题3年的变化,问题类似于缺钱,缺朋友之类,涵盖5个问题。 图表信息量不大,考生应当注意,除了描述五条线的变化趋势,还应该涉及到五个项目比例的大小对比。 参考句型: 1. …experienced a continuously increasing trend from … to… 2. …was the leading problem facing university students with …% of young adults have difficulty in..., while the percentage slightly rose to… in… 3. fewer students have problem with…, declining from… to… Task 2社会类话题 题目翻译:全球粮食需求量不断增长,原因是什么?国际社会能做些什么来应对这个问题? 分析点评:今天的雅思大作文,原题重现2018年8月2日作文题,社会类话题,是report题型(问题解决型)常见的话题类型,通常report题型都会着眼于当下比较普遍的社会话题来讨论,常见的话题还涉及过晚婚晚育、人口规模、城市发展、邻里关系、环境保护等诸多方面。整体来说今天的题目话题还是比较简单的,大多数学生都能想到相关的论点,需要注意论点逻辑的完整性。 建议可以采取4段式的写法: 第1段:话题背景+主体段角度 第2段:(回应问题1)粮食需求量增长的原因 第3段:(回应问题1)国际社会可行的解决建议 第4段:总结段,总结全文,可以表达呼吁 主体段1: 首先,城市化的扩展,导致耕地减少,全球粮食产量的下降;人口规模的扩大,需求量提升。Farmers now are facing numerous difficulties that have hampered the quality and quantity of food being produced. These challenges range from a reduction in land mass required for farming due to overpopulation and urban sprawl to land degradation by deforestation and overgrazing. 其次,当前人们对食物消费的精细化的追求,导致大量的食物浪费。例如消费高品质的食材,只吃最好的部分,浪费了很多材料。Wealthy people usually consume the most excellent part of various kinds of food with a much larger proportion wasted. 另外,过度消费的风气也影响了粮食需求,例如各种大胃王比赛和众多大胃王网红带来的影响。 主体段2:粮食问题肯定有方法解决,there are numerous ways in which the world powers can improve the availability of food. 首先,保证耕地面积,城市扩张也要保证足够的耕地来维持粮食生产。 此外,农业科学应该被普及,科技可以帮助减少土地流失,增加产量In addition, farmers should be educated about ways to prevent erosion, manufacturing of fertilizers to help their crops grow well, as well as promoting proper farming practices among farmers. 其他方法还包括基因工程,袁隆平伟大!Also, genetic engineering of food is a controversial approach that can also improve the availability of food, if plant scientist can successfully speed up the growth and increase the size of crops as well as making them more nutritious. 考试预测 1.小作文:重点关注静态图(柱图,表格),并且要复习流程图。 2.大作文:重点关注科技、媒体、社会类话题。 3.重点浏览2016-2018年写作机经,雅思写作还会大量重复原题,可借助《高分范文书》第8版经典旧题来复习。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |