今天南京朗阁小编带大家回顾一下2020年8月22日雅思听力考题,正在备考的同学可以多看看哦,如果需要学习雅思听力专项的可以预约南京朗阁的单项课程试听哦。 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) Being aloneFish Laugh Discussion Staying up late Public transportation Meeting new people Tidiness Newspapers & magazines Jokes Shopping Water Sports .Desserts and cakesPen and pencil Famous people Science classes Art Sleep Beautiful sceneryHometown/Accommodation Work or study Cooking Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) 人物类: Describe a person you are happy to know Describe a person in the news who you want to meet. Describe a person who taught you something Describe an old person you know and respect Describe a friend who is a good leader Describe a family member you spend most time with. 物品类: Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future Describe a film that made you think a lot Describe an application (program) you usually use on your phone Describe a change that can improve your local area Describe a uniform (in school or company) you wear Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important Describe a sport that you would like to try for the first time Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message Describe a film you would like to share with your friends Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve Describe a successful small company Describe a large company that you are interested in Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first Describe a souvenir you bought 事件类: Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes Describe a time you are surprised to meet a friend Describe a (long) car journey you went on Describe an interesting animal you saw Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know Describe a time when you were excited Describe an occasion when the weather prevented your activity Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood Describe a trip that has been delayed for a long while. Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. Describe an art exhibition you recently saw Describe a time when someone apologized to you Describe a time when you helped someone Describe the biggest challenge you have faced Describe a volunteering experience you have had Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made Describe a time when you missed an appointment Describe a time when a family member asked you for help Describe an occasion when you wasted your time Describe a team where you were a member Describe a performance you watched recently 地点类: Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again Describe a place where you are able to relax Describe a crowded place you have been to. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about Describe a new public place you would like to visit Describe an ideal house or apartment you want to live in. 朗阁名师毛梦婷点评 Part 1: 今天想讲讲本季度的jokes and comedies这道题,这个题直接看很抽象,很多同学可能自己都分不清自己good at telling jokes。但是,是否擅长讲笑话其实是一个很主观的判断,如果你觉得自己是一个擅长讲笑话的人,那即使No matter how hard I tried, my friends just stayed in poker faces, (don’t even care for a fake smile),,依然可以说自己是一个很搞笑的人,只是别人don’t understand my punchline。在答这个题的时候,建议强化以下自己的小情绪,可以吐槽自己也可以自恋一把,不太建议冷漠地对着考官说我也不确定。 Part2: 本次考试的part 2高频题主要在新题上面,建议大家多留意题库中标注下划线的新题。这次想聊一聊a long car journey,这个题当然可以去说一次跟父母一起的开车旅行,分享一波终于可以聊天的快乐。但是,比较建议结合疫情来展开,更细致一点的根据考试要求的铺开相应的细节。疫情期间(during the pandemic),大部分同学跟爹妈的感情基本已经到了一个相看两生厌的临界点,这个时候的car journey或者是safari(旅行外出),明显是一个调节感情的好契机。建议同学们在准备这个题目笔记的时候,可以加入类似这样的细节展开来把自己的内容跟一般模板区分开来。让考官能听出来,这不是大家都有的旅行,这是“我”的一次体验。 考试建议 口语考试很快就会进入9月,又是一个新题库诞生的月份,近几次考试回顾中可以发现5-8月的part 1和part 2新题的出现频率很高,建议大家不要放松对本季度新题的准备,在新题库到来之前仍旧需要保持平常心,好好应对8月剩下的几场考试。同时,南京考点的开放依旧是个迷,建议大家多留意苏州、扬州或者是无锡的考点,求稳一波,不要把鸡蛋放在大南京这一个篮子里。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |