已经9月了,大家的雅思都考完了吗,正在备考的同学准备的怎么样了呢,考试的真题还是有必要看一下的哦,下面跟着南京朗阁小编一起回顾一下2020年9月12日雅思口语考题吧。 Part1题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) HandwritingWeekend ChangeSports Text messageRecycling clothespicnics concentrationlist fishcooking Jokes/comediesgift shopping age discussionNewspaper/magazine Staying up latetidiness Meeting new peopleanimals Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为高频题) 人物类 Describe a person who is full of energy. Describe a person who likes to help others. Describe a family you like. Describe a person you are happy to know. Describe a person you know who is intelligent. Describe a person who is openly. Describe an old friend you got into contact again. 物品类: Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song in your memory. Describe a tradition in your country. Describe a large company that you are interested in. Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child. Describe a book you read that you found useful. Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.). Describe a photograph you like. Describe an ambition you prepare for a long time. Describe a piece of good news you received. Describe a movie that made you laugh. 事件类: Describe a time that you won an award or prize. Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive. Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language. Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public places. Describe a time you planted a flower or a tree. Describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event. Describe an occasion that you forgot an important thing. Describe a time when you changed an important decision you made. Describe a good decision you made recently. Describe a time you were scared by an animal. Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in. 地点类 Describe a public place you have spent the most time in. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution. Describe a place you visited before. Describe a country you would like to work for a short time. 朗阁名师肖航点评 Part 1: Part1有些题目是旧事重提。可以有些话题类似于change, recycling,concentration,tidiness乍一看比较难懂,但是考生在回答的时候,找准切入点,将这些抽象的动词或者名词具象化,简单来说就是举例,可能就比较有思路了。 Part2: 到了九月中旬,新题已经出现的差不多,题库趋近于稳定,但是难度也不小。很多题目可以说几乎超过了很多同学的阅历,所以如果同学准备讲实话可能很多题目都无从下手。这就需要我们的同学具备根据题目要求去寻找符合题目且不是很大众化的答案。 考试建议 Part2还是建议把中文素材和英文关键词结合起来准备,不然如果把所有的英文写下来再背,工程过于巨大,而且花费太多的时间在背诵上。而且对于训练英语思路拓展和句型的组织能力上,并没有太多的帮助。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |