上周又结束了两场雅思考试,不知道同学们准备的怎么样呢,如果需要单项培训的话,朗阁也是有相应的课程的哦。接下来要参加考试的同学可以和南京朗阁雅思小编一起回顾一下雅思写作考题哦,希望可以帮助到大家。 小作文:柱图 大作文:Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspaper and TV has bad consequence, so this kind of information should be restricted on the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 朗阁名师王梦淇点评 1.本次考试难度偏高。 2.整体分析: Task 1:动态,柱图,Percentages of boys and girls getting top grade in 1960 and 2000 in different subjects. 参考句型:(注意时态由图片时间决定) 1.... rank first with 数据,followed by … 2....rise steadily from …to …before declining sharply to … 3.There be a dramatic growing trend in …from… to … 4....reach a record high of …in … 5....show a different pattern with a growth in …from …to… 6.Next come …, which increased from…to… Task 2媒体类话题,难度偏高。 题目翻译:一些人认为报纸和电视上犯罪的详细报道会产生不良后果,所以这种信息应该在媒体上受到限制。你在多大程度上同意不同意这个观点? 分析点评:今天的雅思写作task2,属于雅思写作经典话题,并且经常重复此题。 从话题上来说,今天的作文题属于媒体类话题,但是比一般媒体类话题要难很多,因为和犯罪类话题相关,以至于话题论点难以展开。 从题型上来说,属于倾向讨论题目,推荐作文做到观点在段落上有明显体现。 从结构上来说,可以采取五段式的写法: 第一段:话题背景+个人观点(应该限制) 第二段:(让步)论述支持“报道犯罪细节” 第三段:(应该限制)论述分论点1:详细的犯罪报道帮助罪犯或者潜在罪犯进行犯罪活动。 第四段:(应该限制)论述分论点2:更糟糕的是会对受害者、家人、目击者带来难以想象的危险。 第五段:总结段,总结个人观点。 主体段1:Admittedly, everyone is entitled to freedom of information in modern societies. Most of the general population suggest that as many details as possible should be punished in the media because they can take feasible precautions in advance so as to protect themselves from criminals. However, there are some potential side effects of this reporting. 主体段2:The detailed criminal description on newspaper and TV would be an accessory to a crime as it could alert criminals to the police investigation, thus allowing them to adjust their behavior and making it more difficult for policemen to capture criminals. Even it may provide potential criminals with vital clues or tips in terms of the preparation for a crime. 主体段3:What is worse, the victim, his or her families and any witness could be threatened on account of criminal details simply because they cooperate with the police investigation, offering the clue and fingering the perpetrator. If suffering from such threat, there will be no one taking the initiative to help the police to expose the truth. 考试预测 1.小作文:重点关注动态图(表格,饼图),并且复习流程图。 2.大作文:重点关注教育、环境、社会类话题。 3.重点浏览2016-2018年写作机经,雅思写作还会大量重复原题,可借助《高分范文书》第8版经典旧题来复习。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |