今天和南京朗阁小编一起回顾一下2020年11月21日雅思写作考题,正在备考的同学可以一起来看一下哦,祝本周参加考试的同学都可以取得好成绩。 小作文:饼图 大作文Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 朗阁名师王艳点评 1.本次考试难度适中。 2.整体分析: Task 1:静态,饼图重复了《高分范文书》第84页的三个饼图:第一个是咖啡生产地,第二个是咖啡的消费,第三个是咖啡的利润。 参考句型:(注意时态由图片时间决定) 1.... rank first with 数据,followed by … 2.…be the leading item with … 3....be close behind with … 4....make up the smallest share at … 5.Next come …, which account for… 6....take the lead with … 7.The remaining expenditures go to … Task 2教育类话题,难度适中。 题目翻译:所有人在18岁之前是否应该接受全日制教育?你在多大程度上同意或不同意这个观点? 分析点评::20140308(本月第二次2014年老题) 思路可以写同意题目观点 同意:首先,待在学校有利于孩子的学习,学校有良好的学习氛围academic environment,有充足的资源abundant resources,学生能够专注学习concentrate on the study,而18岁以前的主要任务就是学习,能够拿到文凭obtain the diploma为将来的发展打好基础lay a foundation for their future此外,学校能够更好地保护学生。青少年时期孩子不成熟immature,缺乏分辨是非的能力the ability to distinguish right from wrong,18岁之前待在学校有利于孩子的成长。离开校园之后,会面临更多的诱惑face more temptation。如果去工厂打工,工作环境不利于身心健康be detrimental,而且工资经常比成年人低be underpaid。 反驳:1. 不适合所有人(The arguments include that not all young adults are academically capable or interested and coercing them to attend full time school can cause problems like classroom disruption and absenteeism);2. 实施有难度( Then how to manage such mess becomes another obstacle to implementing such a policy. );+反驳:提出解决办法(Some measures can be taken to deal with the challenges, for instance, diverse forms of education, including apprenticeship or work-based training to supplement formal coursework.) 考试预测 1.小作文:重点关注饼图线图,并且复习流程图和地图。 2.大作文:重点关注广告(今年还未考过)、弱势群体、教育、工作类话题。 3.重点浏览2014-2016年写作机经,雅思写作还会大量重复原题,可借助《高分范文书》第8版经典旧题来复习。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |