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时间:2014-09-17 18:16来源:朗阁小编作者:Judy





I(Her name is Jane)heard my mother saying to Waverly:” True, one can't teach style. Jane isnot sophisticated like you. She must have been born this way."

10 I was surprised at myself, how humiliated I felt. I had been outsmarted by Waverlyonce again, and now betrayed by my own mother.

1. In the context of the passage, the statement "I was surprised at myself' (line 10)suggests that Jane

(A) had been unaware of the extent of her emotional vulnerability

(B) was exasperated that she allowed Waverly to embarrass her in public

(C) was amazed that she could dislike anyone so much

(D) had not realized that her mother admired her friend Waverly

(E) felt guilty about how much she resented her own mother

2.Jane's observation in lines 10-11 ("I had .... again") suggests that

(A) Jane had expected Waverly to insult her

(B) Jane had hoped to embarrass Waverly this time

(C) Waverly had a private understanding with Jane's mother

(D) Waverly had made Jane feel inadequate on previous occasions

(E) Waverly was a more talented writer than June was

9月20日雅思考情发布会 雅思外籍亲临现场 解析雅思口语和写作的失分点。当天报名常规课程享88折优惠,报名全明星定制班课程,享88折优惠,并赠送考前冲刺班单项课程。凡到现场馈赠朗阁词宝一本、9月月刊(含预测)一份;教学总监,教学主管一对一口语评测,现场答疑!



