SAT语法基础知识详解 一、题型介绍 语法测试属于SAT reasoning test中的写作(writing)部分,与essay writing一起组成写作的大板块。整个语法部分包括三种题型: ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)18小题、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)25小题、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题)6小题,所有题目均为五选一。在这三类题目中, 对IS题目的考察犹为明显。一般来说,完成一道题目需要经过读题、解答、检查的过程。读题的过程既包括了读题干和读选项两部分。读题干的过程中对句子含义的理解(总体意思和划线部分与整句的关系)约占百分之三十左右,而对句子结构的理解(抛出非中心部分,找出主语中心词、谓语动词及宾语中心词)约占了百分之七十。如此分析句子的目的是找出一些常见的差异部分(比如动词三单?逗号分号?代词单复?时态差异?)。差异即考点。一旦考点被锁定,接下来我们运用考点,直接秒杀 “正确”的选项。讲究快。先看 有可能的选项。同时注意自杀词的出现。 后就看你所选的SVO和“,”和“;”是否有问题。大概4秒可以完成。我们所提到的考点主要是针对SAT常考的词法,句法,段法进行归纳,但要综合的去运用,不要孤立去学习。 下面列出的是一个粗略统计的语法常考条目表:. 动词错误Verb errors 代词错误Pronoun errors 逻辑主语 Faulty Logicality 句子构成错误Run-ons & Fragments 修饰语位置错误Misplaced modifiers 形容词/ 副词Adjective/Adverb 名词使用错误Plural-singular errors 措词错误Diction errors 平行结构缺失Lack of parallelism 句子或段落冗余Redundancy & wordiness即简洁原则 接下来的内容中,本文总结了一些常见的考试句型和考试信息,希望广大考生根据自己的实际掌握情况进行综合运用 二、常考句型 这些句型是将真题与OG中常见常考的句型总结给大家并提供了应试策略与答题技巧,希望同学们在考试前反复练习,以达到“秒杀”的效果。 (一) 主谓一致 主谓一致一直都是SAT考试的热点,每套题出现的频率都在三个以上。做这种题需要把握句子的结构,找出SVO是关键。 经典句型:主语,同位语/分词短语,动词 应试技巧:我们需要做的是釜底抽薪,要勇敢的抛弃非中心部分,找到中心的主语。 1. (2006-10-S6-23) The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish,each(A)trailed by(B) a poison thread, is released(C) when(D)the animal is threatened No error(E) 2. (2007-1-S4-25) Peter’s seemingly effortless(A) flights, achieved through(B) the use of sophisticated technical equipment, continues(C) to delight those who(D) see the play Peter Pan. No error(E) (二) 虚拟语气 经典句型:
3.Undoubtedly, more voters in the urban areas will have voted(A) for Julia Morton(B) if(C) she had taken a less(D) conservative stand on zoning codes than she did. No error(E) 4.Some of the workers who resent(A) the supervisor's authority would probably(B) feel uncomfortable if(C) they were to acquire the independence that they demand(D) . No error(E) (三) 逻辑主语 经典句型:doing/(having)done/done/ to do, svo 应试技巧:当分词或者不定式放在句首,一定要考虑它的主语问题。一般情况下,句首是现在分词或者不定式的主动态,主语通常是人;句首是过去分词主语通常是物。但是考生在解题时一定要留意特殊情况,主语究竟是发出句首分词描述的动作,还是个承受者。 5. Before signing up for next year's courses, the students' schedules must be approved by their advisers. (A) the students' schedules must be approved by their advisers (B) the students must have their schedules approved by their advisers (C) their advisers must approve the schedule of each student (D) the schedules of students must be approved, and by their advisers (E) approval of each one's schedule must be given by their advisers 6.Brought to the United States at the age of thirteen to receive a Western education, his first book discusses Lee Yam Phou's childhood in China. (A) his first book discusses Lee Yah Phou's childhood in China (B) Lee Yan Phou's childhood in China is the subjec of his First book (C) the subject of his first book is Lee Yah Phou' s childhood in China (D) Lee Yan Phou discusses his childhood in China in his first book (E) Lee Yan Phou, whose childhood was in China, discusses this in his first book (四) run on 句型和句子碎片问题(检查使用) 经典句型:SVO,SVO 应试技巧:两个句子相连:SVO,conj SVO或者SVO;SVO 副词和介词不能连接两个句子:SVO,adv SVO或者SVO,prep SVO adv:①以ly结尾的词;②词根判断法;③however, thus, hence, then, also, even,consequently 经典句型:成分的残缺。S,S,VO 应试技巧:在SAT修改句子中,我们需要在读题的时候,找出句子的SVO,此时你会发现很多句子是缺乏谓语或者宾语。 7. Beginning photographers may choose from among several camera types, there is one which is best for their particular interests. The answer is (A) there is one which is (B) of which there is one (C) one of which is (D) and one is (E) one is 8. The problem of water pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas becausethe treatment and release of industrial wastes are not adequately regulated. The answer is (A) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas because (B) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas and (C) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas when (D) pollution is frequently compounded in certain areas where (E) pollution is frequently compounded in certain areas and (五) S,…,V+O 错误用法: S, ... , do(主谓)+O S, ... , doing+O S, ... , which / that +O S, ... , and +v. +O S, ... , he / she +v.+O 9. The author, taking the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully combining history and legend with fragments of fiction. (A) The author, taking the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully (B) The reader is taken on a chronological journey through the author's native land by skillfully (C) The reader is taken on a chronological journey through her native land by the author who is skillfully (D) The author, who takes the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully (E) The author takes the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully 10. Scientists are seeking better ways to predict damage from earthquakes, and theyare using supersensitive recorders to study how rock breaks and moves in an earthquake. (A) Scientists are seeking better ways to predict damage from earthquakes, and they (B) Scientists who seek better ways to predict damage from earthquakes, they (C) Scientists seeking better ways to predict damage from earthquakes (D) Seeking better ways for the prediction of damage from earthquakes, scientists who (E) Seeking to better predict damage from earthquakes is why scientists (六) 平行结构(parallel structure)。 经典句型:A is like B; A more than B; prefer A to B; neither A nor B; either A or B; both A and B; the more A, the better B; The less A, the better B; not only A but also B; not A but B; less A than B; more A than B; A, B, and C; A or B; * A,B可以为词 词组或者句子 应试技巧:把握连词。平行结构指两个或多个功能相同的平行的词、词组、或句子通过并列连词或并列词组连接起来共同承担句子的某一部分的结构。所以考生要识别句子里的连词,再来看连词两侧是否平行。 11. Though heavily dependent on the government for business and information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remainsindependent of both. (A) information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remains (B) information and on talent by universities, the space research center, a corporation (C) information and on universities for talent, the space research center is a corporation (D) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, but it is a corporation (E) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, while it remains a corporation 12. Journalists should present a balanced view of the news but with their goal to stir discussion and unsettle complacent thinkers. (A) with their goal to stir (B) should also stir (C) aiming at the same time to stir (D) also trying to stir (E) its goal should also be in stirring (七) 指代问题 经典句型:画线代词 应试技巧:一是看代词指代的对象是不是清楚:一词多代 二是看指代对象的单复数有没有问题:(特别是在ISE题目当中) 三是看代词的主格和宾格使用是否错误(介宾和动宾) 顺带复习下反身代词) 四是看是否存在泛指和特指使用错误:(one, you ,he)。 13. Apparently impressed with(A) our plans, the foundatior awarded Carlos and I(B) a grant to establish(C) a network of community centers throughout(D) the city; No error(E) 14. The report Alexahder is discussing(A), a report prepared jointly by he(B) and the committee,does not take into account(C) the socioeconomic status of those interviewed(D). No error(E) SAT语法部分的准备需要的是耐心,细心与恒心。 只要大家精心准备,细心总结和坚持不懈,分数是一定会提高的。衷心地祝愿各位通过努力,取得理想分数,进入梦寐以求的高等学府。 例题答案:1.C2.C3.A4.E5.B6.D7.C8.D9.E10.C11.C12.B13.B14.B 雅思考官集训班开始啦!12月14日雅思现任考官全天授课,仅此一天,限20名额,还在等什么,快来报名吧!另外微信集赞就可以兑换考官班了,快来集赞吧!美国考“势-第15届美国留学考试年会即将在12月13日震撼抵宁!现场报名是低至85折!025-84721672 (责任编辑:admin) |