新托福阅读技巧 主要的目的是帮助托福考生把握的主旨句,了解出题人的意图,从而把握答题技巧。新托福阅读文章的逻辑结构非常完整,考生一般需要重点阅读段落的开头、结尾,以及转折句,就可以了解文章的大致内容。南京新托福培训——朗阁讲师接下来分享给广大考生新托福阅读制胜技巧,希望对大家有用。 1. Navigating text Learn where to find everything you need in your book. 2. Connecting Link to things you already know about this topic; connect tosimilar things in your experience. 3. Making good choices Know your strengths and weaknesses and choose your books accordingly. 4. Predicting Make some quick guesses about what you'll be reading. 5. Questioning Ask questions to give your reading purpose and direction. 6. Reading with the right level of detail Change your reading style based on what you're reading. 7. Monitoring comprehension Stop! Pay attention! Do you understand what you're reading? 8. Fixing broken comprehension If you don't understand whatyou're reading, don't just sit there.DO SOMETHING TO SOLVETHE PROBLEM! 9. Developing fluency Read smoothly and with expression; group words into chunks of meaning. 10. Visualizing Picture the scene in your mind. 11. Manipulating information (责任编辑:admin) |