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回顾前题 新托福阅读prose summary解题技巧

时间:2013-08-29 13:19来源:朗阁小编作者:allen

纵观新托福考试阅读部分的所有题型,就形式而言,都是选择题,而且出题顺序基本与行文顺序相同,这使得做惯了国内考试的中国学生感到比较容易接受,不会遇到题型上的不适应。但是,大部分阅读文章都会以一道中国学生不太熟悉的文章总结题来收尾,即PROSE SUMMARY。这个题型往往令不少考生无从下手,尤其是在时间压力之下,只能在有限的两三分钟时间里匆忙应对,甚至根本就没有时间而胡乱蒙之。




Prose Summary Questions:

These items measure your ability to understand and recognize the major ideas and the relative importance of information in a passage. You will be asked to select the major ideas in the passage by distinguishing them from minor ideas or ideas that are not in the passage. The correct answer choice will synthesize major ideas in the passage. Because the correct answer represents a synthesis of ideas, it will not match any particular sentence from the passage. To select the correct answer, you will need to create a mental framework to organize and remember major ideas and other important information. Understanding the relative importance of information in a passage is critical to this ability.

——P50-51 from OG 3rd edition


“These items measure your ability to understand and recognize the major ideas and the relative importance of information in a passage.” 从这句话中,我们能看出Prose summary题型要求我们总结整篇文章的主要观点和相对重要的信息。


我们先对“相对重要的信息”做一下分析。一篇托福阅读文章大约700单词左右,一共会出14道题目。其中的13题可以认为是细节题,而第14题一般为Prose summary(还有一种是Fill in a Table Questions, 比较少见)。那么,前面的13道题会出在文章中的什么地方呢?通过多篇文章的比对,我们可以发现这些题目多数集中在文章的重要信息处。那么这对我们做 后一题有什么帮助呢?我们这样来想——既然文章中重要的地方都出题了,那么我们也可以认为出题的地方都是文章中的重要内容。因此,我们做Prose summary的种方法就出现了——回忆之前出过的题。我们可以认为,如果Prose summary的某个选项和前面13道题中的某道题目描述的含义基本相同,那么这个选项极有可能就是正确答案。我们来看两道例题:


例一:TPO15 P1 Q14

The leatherback turtle uses a countercurrent exchange system in order to keep the flippers from drawing heat away from the rest of the body.


The leatherback turtle is able to maintain body heat through sheer size.


Leatherbacks have an insulating layer that can be considered the reptilian version of blubber.



例二:TPO14 P1 Q13

Children may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers or understand the disclaimers used to offset claims.


Although the use of celebrities is not necessarily effective in advertisements aimed at children, there is evidence that host selling can positively affect their views of a product.


The use of fantasy is especially common in advertisements for children, but children may not be able to distinguish fantasy from reality.



通过对以上两篇文章的分析,我们发现Prose summary的正确选项基本是重复前面出过的题目。当然,这也不是特别绝对的,有些Prose summary的题目只有两个选项对应了前面的某几道题。但是,通过这个方法,我们一般能证在2分里面至少取得1分。





