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时间:2013-12-26 11:56来源:朗阁小编作者:allen



  • 概述


人文学应该 能体现考生的文化素养,因为它所包含的内容非常广泛。广义上讲,文化方面的东西都可以归到人文学中。当然具体可以从以下几个方面来考察:


  • 考古学,例如碳定年法(用碳14的半衰期测定出土文物的年代),古文明遗址的探索(结合古代科技)等等
  • 历史,例如欧洲中世纪的建筑风格,某个国家的发展进程等等
  • 地理环境和人类生活习性,如易洛魁人对桦树皮的应用,航海发明等等
  • 其他话题,人文学极易和其他学科产生交叉


首先,考生要对这些话题的中心词熟悉。在做TPO时一定要积累人文学词汇,做到会读和能够快速反应出意思。可以坚持每天听一个人文学lecture, 记笔记找感觉。


  • 案例分析



E.G.TPO 7 Part 2-Lecture 1 (Iroquois)



Pro: So we've been discussing 16th century Native American life, and today we're going to focus on the Iroquois and Huron peoples. They lived in the northeastern great lakes region of North America. Now, back then, their life depended on the natural resources of the forests, especially the birch tree. The birch tree can grow in many different types of soils and is prevalent in that area. Now can anyone here describe a birch tree?



80%的段子前三句必出主旨题此处也不例外,and today we're going to focus on…道出了主旨,当然这一句不够具体;继续听下文,第二处划线部分提到了一种树木——birch trees,这一概念贯穿了全文,段子讲的是易洛魁人怎样在生活中利用B这种树(桦树)。



Iro 人→  natrl rsc, esp. B tree




Pro: Yes. The birch tree has white bark, and this tough protective outer layer of the tree, this white bark, is waterproof. And this waterproof quality of the bark, it made it useful for making things like cooking containers, a variety of utensils. And if you peel birch bark in the winter, we call it “the winter bark”, another layer, a tougher inner layer of the tree adheres to the bark, producing a stronger material. So the winter bark was used for larger utensils and containers.

Stu: I know people make utensils out of wood, but utensils out of tree bark?

Pro: Well, birch bark is pliable and very easy to bend. The Native Americans would cut the bark and fold it into any shape they needed, then secure it with cords until it dried. They could fold the bark into many shapes.

Stu: So if they cooked in bowls made of birch bark, wouldn't that make the food taste funny?

Pro: Oh, that's one of the great things about birch bark. The taste of the birch tree doesn't get transferred to the food. So it was perfect for cooking containers.



此段文本逻辑非常清晰,记笔记时完全可以分条记录。文中划线部分是比较重要的考点,在此主要是birch trees的优点与特性,而这种结构经常会考察细节题,比如双选。同时要注意一些连词的和重要提示词的用法,比如and表示递进,one of the great things提示考生要提出另一个优点。还有其他的重要提示词,比如particularly、in particular、especially这类词,后面一定会跟考点。同时教授会鼓励学生开拓思路,有的考点也有可能是学生说出来的。




1. 防水→容qi utnsl

2. 内层: strg² →大容qi

3. 易bend →≠ shape

4. 不串味


朗阁海外考试研究中心的提醒考生,记笔记一定要讲求实用性。如果反应理解的涵义,可以用简单的汉字或拼音记录下来。另外,一定要在平日的练习中形成并熟悉自己的一套独特的笔记符号,切忌到考场现编。 后,还要记住一点:新托福听力笔记贵在条理


  • 考点追踪




  • 主题概念的引出,往往考察主旨题(普遍适应各种听力段子)
  • 细节,注意各种列举、举例、递进的内容
  • 重要提示词,有些词不属于细节题信号词的范畴,但也同等重要(如上文的举例)
  • 生词,记笔记时用大写字母几下即可。只关注与主题有关的细节,比如birch tree可以简记为B tree




