Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Consumers’ purchasing decisions are largely influenced by advertisements.
1st argument: Advertising allows consumers to come to learn a diverse array of novelties of which they were previously ignorant. As a surging number of corporations have become increasingly dependent on advertising to establish and spread their brand reputations and to entice potential customers, advertisements are nearly omnipresent. Therefore, consumers are often bombarded with sheer volumes of information on new products that are claimed to be landmark achievements in particular industries and are thus motivated to purchase and personally try these products. One inevitable result is that many end up buying a great deal of commodity that they do not need in the first place.
2nd argument: Contrary to new firms that hope to establish their market influence by means of advertising, well-established corporations often deem it a way to market their new products to their existing customers. It is no longer uncommon that adolescents change their mobile phones twice or thrice a year before the old ones wear out, simply because the upgraded new products are claimed to be faster, user-friendlier, and attractive. Another classic example is the automobile industry, where a few minor upgrades to a particular car model are often overly exaggerated by automobile manufacturers to be revolutionary modifications that promise to provide a wholly different driving experience.
3rd argument: In current society, consumers are bombarded by a diverse array of advertisements that are proliferating in our everyday, to a point where people have been numbed by the relentless adverts and the advertising power has become minimal. Many potential consumers have developed antagonism toward the pushy adverts and instead make their own purchasing decisions independent of what advertisers have to say. A handful of misleading and false advertisements makes the situation even worse by undermining the trust people still have in what is claimed in the advertisements. So, in most cases, consumers just see what they need as the primary motivating factor of their purchasing decisions.
思路:这篇文章我们的观点是大多数消费者的购买决定确实是由广告来影响的,主要有两个主要原因。首先,广告允许消费者能够了解到各种各样的他们以前并不了解和知道的新产品、新事物。当越来越多的公司开始依赖于广告来去建立和传播他们的品牌度来吸引消费者的时候,广告几乎是无处不在的。所以,消费者经常会接触到大量的关于某种新产品的信息。这些信息通常被包装成巨大的成就,这样一来就能忽悠大量的消费者去购买,甚至说去尝试这些新产品。其中一个不可避免的结果就是很多人买了很多他们根本不需要的产品。其次,对于新公司来说,打广告可以增强他们的地域的市场影响力和竞争力。而对于大公司来说,他们多的则是将广告作为推广产品的主要方式。现今社会中,很多年轻人一年换好几个手机,因为新款的手机通常被包装成为快、用户友好、吸引人的产品。同样的情况也发生在汽车行业。很多时候,一些简单的硬件的升级通常会被公司鼓吹成划时代的改进。这样一来,就会有很多的消费者去购买这些产品。反方是说,现今社会,消费者受到每天各种各样的广告的影响。人们已经对广告变得麻木,而与此同时所带来的结果就是广告的影响力已经越来越小。很多潜在的消费者对这些广告已经变得非常的反感,他们已经忽略了广告的内容,而根据自己的实际需求做出 终的购买决定。少数的误导的,甚至说虚假广告使这个情况变得加糟糕,他们已经使消费者失去了对广告的信任。所以,在大多数情况下,消费者只是把他们自己的需要看作是购买决定的重要的动力。
在应对新托福作文中的抽象话题写作时,考生要有一个正确的心态,按照上述朗阁托福讲师分享给大家的例子来说明问题。只要考生能够将这个题目的范围缩小到一至两个面,然后展开详细的讨论即可成功搞定抽象类话题。 (责任编辑:admin) |