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时间:2014-02-08 14:53来源:朗阁小编作者:allen


很多同学对新托福机经尤其是口语机经研究比较多,但是对于如何正确使用机经,将机经使用技巧应用到考试中去,却不是很明确。大家对于机经的认识是很模糊的,下面朗阁就来告诉大家,如何正确使用机经,将机经 大化地利用起来。




我们来看一下下面的例子,Advantages and disadvantages of eating in class在课上时间吃东西的好处与坏处。拿到这个题目时,我们可以轻松地想到思路,这样的题型属于开放型(包含可拓展话题:好处、坏处、变化、区别等),因此大家需要注意的是,分条目、点到为止。推荐的答案:


In my opinion, there are advantages of eating in class. Students who feel hungry during class hours cannot concentrate themselves on the teaching, so they may distract, or even feel uncomfortable in classroom. If they are allowed to eat some snacks, they can get energy and concentrate on the teaching again. In this way, they can higher the study efficiency.


The other advantage is that eating in class will make the class free-style. Students do not like the serious atmosphere and listen to the teachers lecturing for at least 2 hours.


However, the disadvantage is that the noise made by eating will disturb other students. Therefore, eating in class has both advantages and disadvantages.




再来看下面的例子,What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria? Useexamples and details to support your response.




Well, I think the cafeteria should add dumplings to their menu for students. Most of the cafeterias do not supply dumplings for students, because the making process is very complex, and after making them, the chef has to boil them for another 20 minutes or so to serve.


However, I strongly recommend the school to serve this kind of food. Firstly, when the festival is coming, such as New Year, and Mid-autumn Day, Chinese people like to eat dumplings. It is a kind of convention and cannot be changed in Chinese people’s mind. Students who cannot go back home can have dumplings in cafeteria will not feel so homesick.


By the way, international students also like eating dumplings. One of my foreign friends told me he likes dumplings very much. They are tasty. Therefore, dumplings should be supplied.




再来看一个例子,What are some features of your hometown?









