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时间:2014-03-11 14:39来源:朗阁小编作者:Judy



Human activities actually not all make negative effect.

Not all human activities make negative effect.


I believe that no parents want their child becoming a nerd, right?

I believe that no parents want to see their child becoming a nerd.

I believe that no parents want their child to become a nerd.

分析:一定要注意有些太口语的东西不要写进作文里来,包括 I was like, literally, You know.第二句是典型的chinglish,大家要注意噢。

Even though all the parents are hope for their children’s future.

Even though every parent hope the best for his children.

分析:这个就算是个典型的chinglish啦,翻译成中文是 尽管所有家长都为孩子的未来着想。但是这样的表达是及其错误的。

Nowadays, living in a world with high-speed networks,

Living in a highly-developed network world today,

分析:有的考生对nowadays, with the development这类的词汇情有独钟,仿佛少了他们就活不下去的感觉,大家一定要学会换词噢。

Distance Learning is mean to studying at home or a stationary place by using technology such as computers or televisions.

Distance Learning means to study at home or at a stationary place through computers or televisions.


In additionto that/ In additional

In addition.

分析:常常发现有人把In addition用错,这里不用加其他的。

Attending more social activities is one of the effective ways to improve students’ skills in dealing with social affairs.

Attending social activities is one of the effective ways to improve students’ skills in dealing with social affairs.

分析: 中文里我们常说,参加多的活动,拥有多的XX经历,但是在英文中我们一般不加那个”more”.

He loves sports, especially good at swimming and soccer.

He loves sports, and is especially good at swimming and playing soccer.


Because the work should be showed to audiences or teachers right away, we always have no time to review it again.

Because the work should be showed to audiences or teachers right away, we always have no time to review it.

分析:Review本身就有 再一次复习的意思~这里属于对单词掌握不准。

Finally no matter how comfortable place you live in, it doesn't mean that you aren’t the happiest you could.

Finally no matte rhow comfortable the place you live is, it doesn’t make you the happiest one in the world.

分析:不管你住在多舒服的地儿,也不能说明你不是世上 幸福的?

They demonstrate their best aspects in public, and let the people can’t help knowing them.

They present their best face to the public to interest others in knowing them.

分析: Let用得不对很容易出现Chinglish噢。大家一定要好好掌握Let的用法。

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