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时间:2015-03-27 16:47来源:朗阁小编作者:allen



朗阁海外考试研究中心  崔明媛










The Establishing Shot

Film directors use different types of camera shots for specific purposes. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away. That is used to provide context for the rest of the scene. One purpose of the establishing shot is to communicate back ground information to the viewer, such as setting--where and when the rest of the scene will occur. It also establishes the mood feeling of the scene. Due to the context that the establishing shot provides, the characters and events that are shown next are better understood by the viewer.


本段落要解释的名词是establishing shot,所以我们快速在文中找这个学术名词首次完整出现的句子。很快我们就能定位第二句符合这个规则,那么接下来就要放慢速度阅读理解这句话的意思。通过阅读我们能判定这就话就是主旨句,所以应该快速记下相应的笔记。




Entertainment Merchandising

An effective, widely used marketing practice in the entertainment industry is entertainment merchandising. Entertainment merchandising is a form of marketing in which the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another. The practice of entertainment merchandising often occurs in connection with movies and television shows, especially those associated with children. For example, the success of a popular children’s television show may result in the marketing of toys that are designed to look like characters in the show. Or the situation may be reversed when a children’s television show is written to include characters that are based on already-popular toys.


我们通过种方法能快速定位到句是这个学术名词首次完整出现的句子,但是通过阅读我们发现这句话并没有解释什么是entertainment merchandising, 而是说有一种做法叫做entertainment merchandising, 所以我们知道了这句话只起一个导入性的作用。那么接下来我们就抓紧看下一句,通常下一句就是对这个名词的解释。而通过阅读我们发现第二句就正好解释了这个词的意思,所以应该快速记下笔记。


当然,有时候除了上述情况,我们还能碰到第三种情况:我们找到的学术名词次出现的一句话既不是主旨句也不是导入性的句子,而是一个总结性的句子。这些句子的标志语往往是this is known/seen/referred to as xxx, this is what we call xxx, these behaviors are xxx等。比如下面这个例子:


Comfort Zone Bias

Psychologists have found that when people make important decision, they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”; that is, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones. This tendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias. When people are reasonably content, they often decide not to pursue a new opportunity, even if it attracts them and offers more advantages. Psychologists believe that the comfort zone bias exists not only because we have a natural preference for what we already know, but also because we want to avoid taking risks.


这个段落中我们能快速定位到第四行,也就是第二句‘This tendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias’是学术名词comfort zone bias首次完整出现的一句,但是我们知道这一句并不是解释,而是总结说“这种趋势”叫做comfort zone bias,这时我们就要去前面找“这种趋势”究竟是哪种趋势。所以我们往前读一句,发现when people make important decision, they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”; that is, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones就是本文的主旨句。


朗阁海外考试研究中心的研究总结了大量的真题,发现第四题的阅读基本都适用这三种情况,所以考生们可以按照这种方法提高阅读速度。接下来,找完主旨句,我们就需要判断还有没有其他得分点需要记。与第三题的阅读不同,第四题的阅读不一定都有两个原因或目的这样的细节可以记,所以考生要自己判断是否有这样的内容。比如刚才我们举过的establishing shot的例子,文章中有很明显的标志词one purpose和also,所以我们立即就能决定记下这两个点。而像另外两篇文章,我们并不能立即发现有特点的细节,所以考生只能快速阅读剩下的句子。在这里我们需要注意的是,第四题如果想拿,对阅读文章的精确概括十分重要。除了主旨句应该记哪些内容而不记哪些内容十分考验考生的能力,所以关于第四题的阅读材料笔记内容老师会另外讨论,不在这里详细解释了。




  1. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away.



  1. Psychologists have found that when people make important decision, they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”; that is, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones. This tendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias.

这个例子里主旨句太长,我们不可能全都记下来,所以只需要记有用的内容,一些“虚词”和重复的内容都可以省略。比如,Psychologists have found that只是起一个导入的作用,真正重要的是心理学家发现了什么,所以这几个词是空话,是废话,所以我们不记。接下来,文章对they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”做出了解释,也就是they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones,所以这两句意思一样,我们只记后一句具体的解释,所以目前我们需要记的就是when people make important decision, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones。学过语法和逻辑的同学知道,rather than表示这个词组之前的内容重要而之后的内容不重要,所以我们没有时间的话就可以省略rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones这些内容。这么一来,我们 终需要记录的就只剩下when people make important decision, they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiar situations,我们的任务就简单多了,复述起来也不浪费时间了。




