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新托福口语Task 3考点解析和答题要点

时间:2015-06-05 14:34来源:朗阁小编作者:allen


朗阁海外考试研究中心  王静




  • 提问形式

在考生读完文章并且听完对话后,会听到并且在电脑屏幕上看到题目。考生会有30秒钟的准备时间,在这期间,考生可以思考、查看笔记并且标注关键词。在听到“哔”的一声之后,考生会有60秒的时间回答。Task 3的题目要求都非常相似,例如:

  1. The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
  2. The woman expressed her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinion and explain her reasons for holding that opinion.
  3. The computer department is considering a scheduling change. Explain the man’s opinion of the change and reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


通常情况下,大多数的Task 3的问题都会以种形式出现,在问题中,要求考生解释对话中一个主要说话人的态度并给出持此态度的原因。大多数的问题并没有涉及到阅读,但是为了拥有一个完美的答案,建议考生还是要总结一下文章内容。


  • 阅读

Task 3里的文章篇幅通常在75—100字之间,根据阅读的长短,考生会有40—50秒的时间阅读。阅读材料内容一般是有关于大学的政策、计划或者是提案,同时包含有支持或反对该新政策的两点理由。在文章中,通常会有非常明显的解释两点理由的标志,如:The reason is…, 而第二点原因也会有很明显的标志词。因此,在阅读过程中,考生需要有跳读的能力,在读完主题句后,快速的挑出两点原因。接下来,我们拿一篇口语Task 3真题来分析讲解。


History Seminars Should Be Shorter

Currently, all of the seminar classes in the history department are three hours long. I would like to propose that history seminars be shortened to two hours. I make this proposal for two reasons. First, most students just cannot concentrate for three hours straight. I,myself,have taken these three-hour seminars and found them tiring and sometimes boring. Also, when a seminar lasts that long, people stop concentrating and stop learning, so the third hour of a three-hour seminar is a waste of everyone’s time. Two-hour seminars would be much more efficient.


这是一篇学生写的建议缩短历史课的信。这篇文章的结构可以代表几乎所有Task 3的文章结构--首句先给出公告内容,接下去用一个直观原因和例子或者结果来解释个原因,之后再用相同的结构陈述第二个原因。考生需要先理清阅读的脉络,才可以用尽量短的时间把握住阅读的重点,为接下来的听力对话做好准备。由于大多数的题目里面没有要求总结阅读内容,因此考生可以尽可能简练的阐述阅读内容,争取用一句话的时间完成阅读内容的概括总结。


文中阐明了写信者的态度—把原本三小时的历史课缩短至两小时,并且给了两点理由:大多数学生注意力无法持续三小时,并且在 后一小时学生会停止学习,因此会浪费时间。那么在兼顾内容和结构的同时,考生可以用原因状语从句完成对建议和原因的概括。例如:Tim proposes to shorten the seminar to two hours because most students can’t concentrate for three hours straight and students stop learning at the third hour. 此为一个答案中对阅读的概括。此答案包含了信件的中心思想及两个支持原因,无多余的内容,句型简单概括,因此可以为考生提供一定的范本。


  • 两人对话




(Woman) I totally disagree with Tim’s proposal.

(Man) Why?

(Woman) Well, look, Tim’s my friend but he’s not your typical student. He stays up late partying every night, week nights, too.

(Man) If he parties every night no wonder he can’t pay attention.

(Woman) Yes, and most students aren’t like that. They come to class prepared and rested and they can concentrate.

(Man) So, you’re saying that problem is really Tim.

(Woman) Yes. He was in one of my classes last year and whenever I looked at him he was actually sleeping.

(Man) I guess if he was sleeping, he can’t really know what’s happening, what other people in class are doing.

(Woman) Right! And you want to know what does happen in that last hour of seminar? In a lot of seminars that I’ve been in, that’s when things get interesting.

(Man) Really?

(Woman) Yes, that’s usually when students get really involved in the discussion and start exchanging important ideas, and if the History department actually did what Tim suggests, well if they did that, what would happen is you’d lose what might be the most worthwhile part of the seminar.


在这个对话中,女生开头明确的表明了自己的立场—不同意写信人Tim的观点,之后她开始解释反对的原因,一是因为Tim自身熬夜的原因导致自己无法在课堂上集中注意力并且其他学生并非和他一样,二是历史课的 后一小时通常是 有趣的时间。通常情况下,对于听力部分高效的总结包含两个部分:一是阐明规定的学生的态度,二是在时间允许的条件下,尽可能详细的总结出来此学生持此态度的两点理由。而通常这两点理由中又分别包含了因果的关系。例如,上述对话总结的范例为:


The woman in the conversation totally disagrees with the proposal. She says Tim is not a typical student. He stays up late every night and that’s why he can’t concentrate in the seminar. But most students aren’t like him. They all come to seminars with good rests and preparation. Also, Tim always sleeps in the classes. He doesn’t know that the third hour of a seminar is the most important part because that’s when students begin discussions and start to exchange ideas. So the last hour is the most worthwhile part of a seminar and shouldn’t be canceled.




  • 技巧
  • 避免原句照搬阅读和听力内容,适当进行词汇和语法的替换。由于从Task 3开始,考生需要做的只是复述阅读和听力内容,导致很多考生在完成Task 3的时候,多的是直接摘用阅读和听力原句。要知道这样是会对考生的成绩产生一定的影响的,考生需要在总结出中心句的同时,对中心句进行一定的paraphrase。例如,听力原文的对话为:“They come to class prepared and rested and they can concentrate.”此句中,对话者用了过去分词做状语,而在例文中,此句被转化为:“They all come to seminars with good rests and preparation.” 由答案句可以看出,过去分词的形式被替换成了with结构,而此结构也是语法中比较容易拿的句型。其实考生在回答综合口语问题时,倒是没有必要用到过于复杂高深的语法,在能够流利清晰表达观点的同时,句型稍作转变,就可以拿到理想的分数。


  1. 提高记笔记的能力。做好阅读和听力部分的笔记,也是回答好Task 3的必要关键。如果考生只是单纯地阅读和听力而没有做任何的笔记的话,那么在回答的时候可能会出现丢失信息的问题;而字字句句都记下来,除了会影响考生听下一句的注意力,也会导致回答没有层次重点,回答的时候时间不够。由于题目不会直接考察阅读中的事实,这些事实只提供一些背景信息,考生只需要记下阅读中的关键词—一个观点,两点理由。而在听力中,由于主要说话者只有一人,而且观点鲜明,在记笔记时,考生需要集中注意力听此人的观点,为 后的问题做准备。而另外一个学生通常只说些没有实质性的内容,如Really? 或Yeah, that’s right. 因此,不需要留意这个学生所说的内容。在听到表达鲜明观点的学生所说的内容时,考生需要及时用简写的形式记下这两个理由。这就要求考生要有一套自己习惯的简写的标记,比如business可以缩写为biz。考生不需要去学习其他人的简写技巧,自己用的熟悉习惯才是关键。


此外,考生在回答Task 3问题的时候,也需要熟练使用间接引语和停顿。综上所述,如果想要在Task 3拿到理想的成绩,考生需要具备较高的阅读、听力及总结的能力,而所有的一切都基于考生持之以恒的练习。熟能生巧,考生需要不懈努力。




