托福口语描述人物。下面为大家介绍托福口语描述人物必备句子。这些都是根据单词的首字母排列的,希望同学们能够有规律的去掌握这些句子。在备考的时候,多去记忆一些描述人物的模板句子,这样考试的时候遇到这样的题目就能够直接用上。下面跟小编一起看看。 brave - someone who isn't afraid of danger. Example sentences:Mario is a coastguard. He is very brave. His job is to rescue people. chatty - someone who talks a lot. Example sentences:Maria is a very chatty person. She is always on the phone to friends. clever - good at learning things. Example sentences:Gerard is very clever. He always gets top marks in class. cowardly - (mildly negative) someone who is afraid of things. (often described as "a bit of a coward") Example sentences:Sylvia is a bit of a coward. She really hates going to the dentist! easy-going - someone who is easy to get along with. Example sentences:My husband is very easy-going. friendly - someone who is nice to other people. Example sentences:The people in my office are really friendly! I love working there! funny - used to describe someone who is amusing. Example sentences:Salem is really funny! He's always entertaining us with jokes and stories. generous - someone who shares their time or things with others. Example sentences:My parents are very generous. They bought me a car for my birthday! grumpy - bad-tempered. Example sentences:My boss is really grumpy. He isn't an easy person to get along with. hard-working - someone who works very hard. Example sentences:My brother is very hard-working. He hardly ever takes a day off. honest - someone who is truthful and who doesn't cheat or steal. Example sentences:Amina is a very honest. She always tells the truth. kind - someone who behaves in a caring way towards other people. Example sentences:Most of the people I've met here have been kind. lazy - an inactive person who avoids work. Example sentences:Pete is very lazy. He rarely gets out of bed before mid-afternoon. loud - someone who talks really loudly. Example sentences: Rosita is really loud! When she talks, she drowns everybody else out. lucky - someone who often has good fortune. Example sentences:My brother is very lucky. He's always winning prizes in competitions. mean - 1) Someone who is a nasty person. 2) Someone who doesn't like spending money. Example sentences:Phillip is very mean. He never pays for his share of things. moody - adjective used to describe someone who behaves differently every time you meet them. Example sentences:Nina is very moody. Yesterday she said hello; today she just ignored me. nasty - a mean, unpleasant person. (the opposite of nice) Example sentences:I don't really know any nasty people. Most people I know are very nice. neat - a person who is very tidy. Example sentences:My flatmate Jorge is very neat and well organised. His room is always tidy. nervous - someone who is easily startled by things. Example sentences:Anna is a very nervous person. She gets scared easily. nice - someone who is friendly and kind. (the opposite of nasty) Example sentences:My best friend Lin is a really nice person. She is always there for me. polite - someone who has good manners. Example sentences:Abdullah is a very polite boy. He always says please and thank you. popular - somebody who is liked by many people. Example sentences:My cousin Ali is very popular. He has a lot of friends. quiet - used to describe someone who doesn't talk very much. Example sentences:Helen is a quiet person. She isn't very talkative. rude - bad mannered, impolite. Example sentences:James is a very rude person. He always pushes in front of people in queues. selfish - used to describe someone who only thinks about themselves. Example sentences:Jeremy is very selfish. He never helps out with the housework. serious - someone who is always very sensible (the opposite of silly). Example sentences:Eric is very serious person. He never joins in when we play silly games. shy - quiet and a little bit nervous around other people. Example sentences:Claire is very shy. She doesn't speak much in class. silly - someone who is a bit foolish, or who doesn't behave in a serious way. Example sentences:Gina is a bit silly. She messes about in class when she should be working. smart - 1) someone who takes a lot of care over their appearance 2) someone who is very clever Example sentences: (1)Anna is very smart. She is always neatly dressed. stupid - (very negative and very impolite - sometimes used as an insult) someone who is not clever.Be careful when using this word! Using neutral adjectives to describe people is much safer. tidy - someone who is very neat and well organized. Example sentences:My sister is a very tidy person. I'm the opposite; I'm really untidy! unlucky - someone who often suffers from bad fortune. Example sentences:Sabrina is very unlucky. Things always seem to go wrong for her. untidy - someone who is very messy. Example sentences:I'm a very messy person. I always forget to put things away! vain - (negative) someone who is a bit too fond of their looks. Example sentences:Paulina is really vain. She spends far too much time looking in the mirror! wise - someone with a lot of common sense and knowledge. Example sentences:My grandfather was a very wise man. He taught me many things. (责任编辑:admin) |