朗阁海外考试研究中心 王上
每次托福强化课开课时,都有一个问题困惑着托儿们:在做题目之前,需要把文章大概浏览一遍么?我的回答是:positive, 我站在了“读”的阵营里。下面,朗阁海外考试研究中心的们将会为大家解释为什么要在做托福阅读题目之前要先将文章整体阅读一遍。“知己知彼,百战不殆”是《孙子兵法》中总是被世人朗朗上口传颂着的经典句子。那么就我们学术来讲就是要在任何问题上抱着知其然,知其所以然的态度。所以,首先,我们要明白出题人(ETS)的出题意图。
参加过考试的或是用模考软件做过练习的“托儿”们都清晰的记得:当一篇托福阅读文章的问题出现之前,一定是先以整篇文章的形式出现的,左边并没有显示题目,只有将文章右边的滚动轴拉至 底端,界面才会自动转换为我们做题的界面,即左边是问题,右边是对应的文章。那么,我们就分析一下为什么ETS有这样的设置?ETS有什么样的意图?ETS想让考生怎么做?这样的设置显而易见。ETS是希望考生们可以在做题前将文章大致整体看一遍。就ETS出题的严谨性和科学性而言,这样的设置毋庸置疑是帮助考生提高其做题的速度和正确率的。
大家都知道每篇阅读文章的 后一题绝大部分都是值2分的6选3的内容小结题,其分值之大,选项之多使很多托儿畏而却步,一是没时间,二是不知道考官如何出的干扰选项。
首先,我们先来看一下 后一道题的题目要求。
Directions:An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.This question is worth 2 points.
朗阁海外考试研究中心的发现,每次 后一题的选项上都会有一句对于整篇文章的总结的句子,那么我们选择的三个选项都要和这个主题句有关。其次,错误答案有两种可能:一是细节;二是文章中并没有提到,是自己臆想或是过度推断出来的。很明显,细节是错误答案,所以我们做这道题时,应该把注意点放在每段的主旨上。
种:主题句(Topic sentence)+ supporting details. 这种情况 简单,我们只要记住句即可。
第二种:主题句(Topic sentence)+ 分论点一+ supporting details 分论点二+ supporting details 这种段落展开的方式要比种稍难,我们不仅要记住主题句,还要记住两个或是多的分论点,而分论点与分论点之间会出现顺接和递进连词,比如:first, second, furthermore, in addition, besides.
下面,我们以TPO 19 westward migration为例,来看一下如何对段落进行简单笔记。
Paragraph 5 Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy.First came the steamboat;although flatboats and keelboats continued to be important until the 1850’s, steamboats eventually superseded all other craft in the carrying of passengers and freight. Steamboats were not only faster but also transported upriver freight for about one tenth of what it had previously cost on hand-propelled keelboats. Next came the Erie canal, an enormous project in its day, spanning about 350 miles. After the canal went into operation, the cost per mile of transporting a ton of freight from Buffalo to New York City declined from nearly 20 cents to less that 1 cent. Eventually, the western states diverted much of their produce from the rivers to the Erie Canal, a shorter route to eastern markets.
我们轻而易举的发现,该段的ETS就明确了这段有2个分论点,two other developments: steamboat and Erie canal, 而这两个发展ended the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution, 并且促进了national market economy.
第三种:主题句(Topic sentence)+ 分论点+ supporting details 转折词:however, but + 分论点+ supporting details
所以当我们在做题之前,快速浏览文章时,我们可以在草稿纸上记录下主题句和分论点,没必要是完整的句子,可以参照听力记笔记的方法,使用中英文结合的方法。这样,整体阅读的步骤结束后,在草稿纸上就能出来一篇文章的框架,并且这个框架大纲可以在 短时间能基本解决summary。
(责任编辑:admin) |