托福口语考试中,对于独立口语部分,都有哪些技巧能够辅助大家呢?在实际的备考中,了解并且掌握这些技巧,能够让我们的口语拿到更高的分数。具体的这部分的技巧内容是什么?下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考! 首先建议类话题从要求的答题个数来说,有三种情况:分别是不定,一个建议,两个建议。我们来看下以下三道题: (一)What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in your explanation. (二)Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give him? (三)If your friend is facing an overwhelming amount of work, what kind of strategy do you suggest to solve the problem? 见招拆招 首先建议类话题从要求的答题个数来说,有三种情况:分别是不定,一个建议,两个建议。我们来看下以下三道题: What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in your explanation. Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give him? If your friend is facing an overwhelming amount of work, what kind of strategy do you suggest to solve the problem? 1第一题从题面上来看,翻译成中文为”我们能做什么来减少空气污染“,所以这题并没有明确要求我们要给几个建议,由此判定这题叫不定,即说多少个建议都符合题干的要求和标准,但从45秒的答题时间和内容扩展要求来说,一般考生说一或两个建议为宜。 2第二题看起来更加明显,suggestions,这题让考生们说多个(两个)建议。 3第三题题干what kind of strategy, 表明这题让考生说出一个建议。 综合上所得,如果题干是以what/how开头,并且直接跟动词的,一般可认作是属于“不定”的类型,而如果题干中给出具体的名词,考生们可以根据该名词的单复数来确定到底此题是属于“一个”建议,还是“两个”建议。 其实我们知道这三种问法,不定(可给一个可给两个建议),一个建议,两个建议可以引出两种答题思路:即给出一个建议,或给出两个建议。现在先来看下给出一个建议的情况。 给出一个建议 例题如下: If your parents have some extra money, how would you like them to spend it? Please give details and examples in your explanation. (如果爸妈有闲钱,你建议他们怎么花)。这题属于不定,暂且给出一个建议,我们在第一句话,也即answer段要给出明确的建议,比如I suggest my parents put the money into the stock market, 将钱投资股市,由此给出两个理由,理由一投资股市非常安全Safety, 理由二投资股市有着高回报profitable。 给出两个建议 第二种答题思路,即给出两个建议。同样是这道例题,我们在第一句话answer段不应该把两个建议说得很明确,一来时间不允许,一来在正文段落中会具体陈述两个建议内容,听起来非常累赘。所以第一句话可以说Now I have two suggestions for my parents,接着正文中具体来阐述两个建议的内容即可。 其实大多数的建议类的题都可以按照以上的两种方式来进行作答。关于内容的应对方式,大家敬请期待下次的分享的内容。 现在来测测大家对建议类话题是否敏感,看看以下的题,大家会如何应对呢? (一)If your friends' family member were sick, what would you do to comfort him? (二)If your friend takes a job working late in the night to earn money for a summer trip to Spain, but he goes to bed late and cannot concentrate on the class next day, what advice would you give him? (三)A friend of yours is going to have an important job interview and has asked for your advice. What do you think your friend should do in order to have a successful job interview? Explain why。 以上就是关于“托福独立口语技巧讲解”的内容,希望通过上述内容的学习,大家能够更好的来备考这些口语内容,期待大家考试取得高分成绩。 (责任编辑:jasmine) |