以下是托福写作关于暴力的素材 Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy had extramarital affairs. Thomas Jefferson, many believe, fathered children by one of his slaves. And Grover Cleveland confessed to having an illegitimate child. Much of the press and most of Mr. Clinton’s most ardent detractors expressed amazement that through the worst of the Monica Lewinsky charges, he maintained extraordinarily high approval ratings for the job he was doing as President. A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation, district, county, state or what have you. This is his or her primary concern. Many more times than you and I would like to think, realizing those goals require themto make choices that are outside the bounds of morality. Moral leaders think in terms of a deontological approach to ethics and morals while the political leader thinks in terms of consequences or a utilitarian approaches to ethics and morality. (责任编辑:admin) |