从托福OG听力来分析,新托福考试听力部分主要考察三种听力实力,Basic Comprehension, Pragmatic Understanding及Connecting Information,这要求考生做到“记信息,懂深意,判逻辑”。下面,南京朗阁为您搜集托福听力3大必考点分析,希望对您有所帮助。 例1:OG第三版第160页 Professor Hi, everyone. Good to see you all today. … Anyway, I’ll do my best to have them finished by the next time we meet. OK. In the last class, we started talking about useful plant fibers. In particular, we talked about cotton fibers, which we said were very useful, not only in the textile industry, but also in the chemical industry…. Today, we’ll continue talking about useful fibers, and we’ll begin with a fiber that’s commonly known as “Manila hemp.” What aspect of manila hemp fibers does the professor mainly describe in the lecture? A.Similarities between cotton fibers and manila hemp fibers B.Various types of manila hemp fibers C.The economic importance of manila hemp fibers D.A use of manila hemp fibers 此文中说话人主要分析了manila hemp的特征及用途,D选项是正确答案,对应原文中的语言we’ll continue talking about useful fibers。 文章干扰:在提到主旨之前,教授,即说话人,用较长篇幅交代为什么没能完成批改学生的作业,并向学生道歉;之后又简单复述了上次课中讲的内容,即cotton fiber,这就导致主旨内容后移。上下文控制能力较差的同学在听力过程中会不知不觉走神,解题时要判断哪一项才是说话人的真实目的,就会感觉颇有难度。 (责任编辑:admin) |