过程(process)是事物在一段时间内的一系列步骤或行为。一个过程 终会有一个结果或产物。 考察的句型如下: How to take a photograph How a computer works How a plant grows How to write a research paper What happens during a thunderstorm How television was invented 总结(summary)是对主要观点或重要事件的简单概括。 总结一个过程就是按照正确的顺序简单说出它的主要步骤。在新托福考试中,考生会听到说话人描述一个过程,然后回答一个与总结过程相关的题目。 形式: 在新托福考试中,总结过程题的形式如下: The professor briefly explains how Summarize the process by putting the/steps in the correct order. The speaker describes a sequence of events. Put the events in the correct order. The professor briefly descri'oes the process of__ . Determine whether the sentences below are steps in the process. E.G.L.: 总结过程题有特殊的要求。请看下面这个例子: One product of a thunderstorm is the onset of a hailstorm. Inside the clouds, violent air drafts cause water droplets to become supercooled. At zero degrees, the water droplets tum to ice crystals if there's also a catalyst present, in the form of tiny particles of solid matter. lce forms around the particles, and supercooled water continues to coat them. They grow into rounded icy masses, becoming hailstones when they reach a diameter of 5 millimeters. Hailstones hit the ground with a loud rattle when they hit buildings and roads. Think of a hailstorm as a giant pummeling machine. It can be the most damaging part of a thunderstorm because of the damage it causes to crops. (责任编辑:admin) |