托福写作句型模板可以节省思考时间,尽可能减少表达错误,帮助考生用相对灵活的句式组成自己独特的篇章组织结构,为托福写作满分打下基础。下面朗阁小编为您整理托福写作句型模板:手机的用处。 A cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with: news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. 我们可以从手机中获取很多乐趣,比如看新闻、玩游戏、听音乐、发短信聊天。 Many owners use their cell phones to play video games, send e-mails, read news, download music, store photos and surf the internet. 许多用户用他们的手机玩视频游戏、发电子邮件\阕渎新闻、下载音乐、存储照片以及浏览网页。 Many people consider the mobile phone to be very important in maintaining their relationship while geographically separated. 许多人认为当他们因为距离而隔开时,手机在维持人际关系方面非常重要。 With the help of the mobile phone, the information flow and communication between enterprise and its employees, enterprise and its consumers will not be restricted by any limit on time and space. 在手机的帮助下,企业和员工、企业和消费者的信息传递和沟通将不再受任何时空的限制。 Many people believe that carrying a mobile phone makes them feel more secure. If security is a crucial element for happiness, then having a mobile may make people happier. 许多人认为带着手机会让他们觉得安全。如果安全感也是幸福的一个重要成分,那么有一个手机会使人们幸福。 Mobile phones are turning the world into a small village where we can connect others easily and quickly. (责任编辑:admin) |