怎么提高雅思阅读的速度?中国考生对雅思阅读考试的准确度把握的很好,但是常常因为时间不够用,而影响到雅思阅读考试的成绩,南京雅思培训机构老师介绍说,其实大家绝对不能忽略了速度的问题,下面就看看究竟怎么解决速度的问题吧! 雅思阅读究其本质是应试型阅读。而应试型阅读的目的就是为解题服务。分析雅思阅读的题目发现,貌似复杂的题目其实归结起来无外乎两种:主旨题与细节理解题。解题的过程实际上也就是两大快速阅读技巧的结合:略读(Skimming了解中心) +查读(Scanning查找细节)。 不过,相信大家在其他老师的课上或书籍中都接触过以上两种技巧,感觉大体相同:听着明白,用着糊涂。或者说不知道该如何skim或scan。其实, skimming 和scanning 都要求能快速准确地识别关键词或词组(定位速度)。而恰恰这一步是“烤鸭”所不熟悉和忽略的。比如,在以往教学中,每期我都会发现有不少同学定位速度非常慢。连人名、地名这样的专有名词都很难定位到。这肯定不是词汇量不足的问题。要真正提高阅读速度,必须首先提高定位速度。 这里给大家介绍一下“扫视定位法”,即变逐字、逐句阅读为字群、词群、意群阅读,用一目一行,一目多行等方式,以高于平时精读几倍乃至几十倍的速度扫视阅读材料,从而快速在原文中定位到题干中的关键词。具体做到:避免眼球没有规律的扫视; 避免中途回视;加快眼动速度,逐步扩大“视知觉广度”。 “视知觉广度”大,由于眼球注视时间短和中途回视的次数少(眼动速度快),阅读的平均速度就比较快。 以下练习是为提高眼动速度,加强对单词和词组的视觉感知而设计的。大家在练习时要抱着实验的心态,忘记对错误的担心,严格按时间要求完成训练。相信只要你认真练习,并且在做题时实践,一定会对雅思阅读有新的感悟。或是顿悟? (一)快速检索单词:请在30秒内完成。 1.用下划线在右侧词群中标出出现的每个与左边单词相同的词。 1) sought sought fought sought fought sought fought 2) minks sinks minkes minks sinks sinks sink 3) phrase phase phase phrase phase phase phase 4) chrome chrome chronic chrome chronic chrome 5) bright light brought bright right bring bright 6) discovery discover discovery recovery recover discuss 7) whale whale wheel whale whaling white 8) nature nurture natural nature nurse nature 9) mammal animal mammal mammon mammoth mammal 10) vision visual vision virtual vision visional 时间:_____秒。正确:_____个。 2. 在横线上标出左边单词出现的次数。 1) whirl whirr whim whirl whim whirr whirl ______ 2) altar alter alter alter altar altar after altar ______ 3) course coarse course course coarse coarse ______ 4) whirl whirr whim whirr whim whirr whim ______ 5) breath breathe breathe breathe breath breath ______ 6 course coarse course course coarse coarse ______ 7) radar reader read radar reader radar ______ 8) perceive perception perceive perceive perception perceptive ______ 9) navigate navigate negative navigate navigation navigate ______ 10) adapt adapt adopt adaption accept adapt ______ 时间:_____秒。正确:_____个。(第四个故意没有左边单词,目的是提醒大家不要回视。要么次就看到,要么就干脆漏掉。) (二) 快速短语识别:用下划线标出出现的所有个词组。请在15秒内完成。 1 industrial world water per person population explosion food production electricity world industrial world water policies industrial world innovative layout industrial process falling behind violence world soil quality industrial revolution continue to raise international tensions 2 economic benefit economy benefit economic growth economic development economy policy electricity service economical engine effective solution economic benefit efficient beginner effective skills economic benefit economical design economic benefit economically fit economic activities (三)快速识别替换词。请在35秒内完成。 1. mistaken --- misconceptions misunderstand misuse misspell mischance 2. change --- view define modify access contain dominant 3. involve --- revolve intake follow contain invite invoice 4. tiny --- very swift very strong very small very sharp very quick 5. speaking two language – contemporary texts bilingual rhythmic hearty 6. destroy --- destruct decide rebuild construct 7. gigantic --- excited foolish dangerous huge tiny particular 8. local --- abroad board import domestic transport 9. vanish --- to paint to disappear to defeat to suffer to decline 10. gloomy ---- foolish sad timid open poetic slender 11. purchase ---to double something to succeed to buy something to lend something 12. hazard --- a danger a storm a battle a fire a pound a pool 13. demanding job--- precious task difficult job individual job related job 14. habitat --- a place to live a habit to follow a person to inform 15. distinguished --- eminent heritage poisonous contrast extend 答案:misconception, modify, contain, very small, bilingual, destruct, huge, domestic, to disappear, sad, to buy something, a danger, difficult job, a place to live, eminent 怎么提高雅思阅读的速度?相信您看了上面南京雅思培训机构老师的介绍应该有了大概的了解了吧!即日起至9.20日高一,大一新生通过官网咨询留下姓名+联系方式会收到一条优惠信息,凭验证信息和入学证明来朗阁报名雅思、托福、SAT、GRE、GMAT常规课程立减800元;(此优惠不与其他优惠同时使用,单项课程不参与此活动),咨询电话:025-84726786! (责任编辑:admin) |