朗阁雅思讲师介绍说,很多考生在考前都做了很多的准备,但是到了雅思口语考试现场由于紧张或者其他原因,效果就没有平常好,甚至会说不出话,所以要学会一些考试现场应急招数,那么雅思口语考试如何应急呢?一起来看看吧! 雅思口语考试如何应急一:对考官提问不知所云,云里雾里,亦即完全听不懂 策略:先表达歉意,再请求解释(交流手段,不影响分数) Sorry , I don’t fully understand what you said , would you mind explaining it ?
Sorry ,I am not able to comprehend what you mean , could you give me further explanation ? 如合肥近期考题: 考官:what is your line of business? 考生:sorry ,I don’t quite catch you by LINE , could you rephrase it sorry ,I doubt myself by understanding LINE, could you please express it in an alternative way ? 雅思口语考试如何应急三:完全能听懂,但由于缺乏知识背景,不知如何作答 策略:先表达歉意,然后坦诚地告知你确实不太了解, 后再展示自己 的观点 考官: how do you interpret new transportation rule? 考生: sorry ,I don’t really know much about it ,but I guess ………………. 推荐答案:but I guess ,to some extent ,it might ease traffic jam ,meanwhile ,bring much convenience to city dwellers
雅思口语考试如何应急?相信您看了上面朗阁雅思讲师的介绍应该有了一定的了解了吧!现在报名南京朗阁雅思课程,还有大奖等着你,还等什么呢?赶紧点击在线咨询吧! |