下面来点雅思写作的战斗技巧,干货哦,刚整理出来的,希望在雅思写作中对你有帮助。 一篇文章只有一个立场,但是论点可以有几个。那么这几个论点如何排列,哪个在前哪个在后呢?这些是有讲究的,同学们不能想到哪写哪儿。下面的段落是学生的例文,其中就存在论点排列的问题 Although internet can contain much information in education, if under no control, it will be terrible, because young people cannot concentrate on their studies for hours, and the information online can be good and bad as well. If you allow your kids to learn only via the internet, they will play all day. So, studying without a teacher’s supervision cannot be imagined. 这段文字的中心内容是网络学习存在的问题。论点包括两个,学生的自律和网络的内容。关于学生自律的问题有两句话,young people cannot concentrate on their studies for hours,以及 If you allow your kids to learn only via the internet, they will play all day.这两句话有相关性,但是却被网络那句话隔开了。这样会给读者造成阅读的障碍,降低文章的流畅度。所以重新调整这几句话的位置,就可以很快解决这个问题。 Although internet can contain much information in education, if under no control, it will be terrible. Young people cannot concentrate on their studies for hours. If you allow your kids to learn only via the internet, they will play all day. And the information online can be good and bad as well. So, studying without a teacher’s supervision cannot be imagined. (责任编辑:admin) |